Digressing from the cheer twitter topic for a moment...if there is no "I" in team then why are so many people willingly embracing and cultivating the cheerlebrity (oh lord I hate that word) phenomenon? It can't be both ways. If cheerleaders on a team are going to be singled out over the rest of the entire team for their skills, having a lot of followers on twitter, etc., then one has to accept the flip side of things - when so-and-so eats mat on the last pass of a well known team, his/her name is going to be all over the cheer twitters.
Rereading your post though, I'm getting that @IndustryNewsIN was particularly harsh to 2 specific athletes and not to other well-known ones who might have had issues the same day, and that you are questioning their scruples and personal motives in those tweets by only mentioning some and not all, or even none of the athletes by name.