I'm a little tardy to the party. And forgive me, for I am typing on my phone right now and rather quickly, so I guarantee I'll miss several typographical/ grammatical errors in this post.
CoachTamara tagged me in the original thread asking my opinion of the book as I am apparently mentioned several times.
Given that I have not read the book I do not k ow the context to which my name is being used, but I'm am sure there was nothing negative attached to my persona. During Morgans time at my gym I, along with several others, grew very close to her and some of us even came to know her mother and her brother. So it makes sense that I would be mentioned as I spent a lot of time with her while she was associated with my program.
All I have to say with regard to the book is that I have not read this new epic novel. I had no knowledge it was even in the work let alone available for purchase!! The first I heard of any of this was Tuesday night at the gym. And didn't realize 'til the next day that this work had already been released.
While I do feel compelled to read it solely due to the fact that I know many people close to me along with my program were mentioned, I do not have any intention o purchasing or reading this book. From the post on the original thread it would seem that it's not worth my time and that the only thing I would gain from it is the knowledge of what was specifically said about me.
While I personally have no issues with her (i am still friendly toward her when i see her in public and harvest no feeling of ill will toward her) or anyone close to her as I'm sure anyone else from my program would agree she did not leave on bad terms with anyone. I would hope she would be smart enough not to burn any of the few bridges she has remaining in this region.
She may not have to see any of the other people in this book, but I on the other hand, work with her extensively from about May- September.
Maybe I will be giving the book a quick skim just to make sure things are in order with regard to anything that may have been said about myself or those close to me, but we at my program have no real vested interest in anything she's said.
Several lawyers have been contacted by several of the people written about in the book and I can only assume that that is why it is now being removed from shelves.
I skim through and report back...provided that this is still relevant by then. I feel like this has just about run its course.
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