I'd like to start this post off by saying that I am NOT "Kayleigh". Kayleigh has allowed me to use her name to post since I am not able to post for another 72 hours. (Bummer) The following post is my sole opinion, and is not being represented by Kayleigh.
I spent the last 24+ hours reading the book, reading these posts, and all I could do was shake my head. I have been involved in all-star cheerleading in Illinois since 1999. I've seen all, heard all, and most importantly made relationships with the people who have furnished the powerhouse gyms in Illinois. Most of those people are mentioned in this tragedy of a book. Luckily, I borrowed my good friend's kindle to read it. Yeah, I wasn't paying $10 for this...as juicy as it seemed.
It's disgusting to me to think that someone would publish a book that lists personal & private conversations. I kept pondering in my mind, why? Why would anyone do something like that? I have burned some bridges myself, but I would NEVER in my most frustrated and irate mentality even think, (nor have the time) to sit down and write details (most of which personally incriminate me) of my life for the world to see. Not ever.
While I don't know people the latter half of the book, I DO know, in fact, all of the people mentioned in the first 3 chapters. And whether or not the information that is published in this book is true OR fabricated it's not the authors job to be the law or God. How can you tell the most intricate details about someone's personal life, which are negative, and then 3 paragraphs later write "they are a good person...she's a sweetheart...I genuinely like her." What? Is anyone else baffled by this? Like many people have posted, if there is an illegal issue at the gym, call the police.
What I find to be MOST hilarious (other then the previously mentioned million typo's and grammatical errors) is her mom was well aware of the illegal drug use, underage drinking, and all of the other supposed commotion she claims. I can't speak for all of you parents out there, but when I was involved in all-star cheerleading, if my mother EVER found out about any of that, you better believe she'd pull me out of that gym so fast I'd probably leave a shoe behind. And she wouldn't think twice to take it to authorities and/or the gym owners.
This book is a sad excuse for attention. I'm no expert, but it seems to me this mother daughter duo have alterier motives and this book is/was their way of exposing all of the people who "wronged" them in the past. Maybe they are hoping for a Lifetime Original to be aired by next Worlds? I mean, PR wise..the timing is impeccable isn't it? Guess what? People get wronged every day. It's called life. It doesn't give you a right to expose people's personal business without their consent. You want to rant? Super. Do it on Facebook. Twitter. Don't publish a book so the named parties cannot defend themselves.
Now, before all the people start saying I condone the activity that is mentioned in the book, I do not. I absolutely do not condone underage drinking, smoking illegal substances (and selling it) and all of the other irrelevant information (like her love stories that no one needed to know....like really?). I'm just simply stating, there is a time and a place and a "high road" approach and this was certainly not it. Just like Destiny's Child once said, "I'm not gonna blast you on da internet (cuz my mama taught me better then dat!)" Same goes here.
Peace, Love & I feel sorry for whoever does her taxes,
-Vivian Darkbloom (come check me out in 72 hours!) ;)