We consulted with a pediatric orthopedic specialist at Childrens' Hospital of Philadelphia for every break. I made the very inquiry you did about so many broken bones. I was told that each break had a cause -for example for the first being shoved forward and bracing herself with her hands straight out, hitting the hard cement backed linoluem tiled school floor with the child who was twice her weight on her back (again this lager child was pushing eagerly though the hall like little kids sometimes do-no malice), and the heel was from slipping off a ladder and landing just so...and though I felt it was implausible to break a wrist on such a soft surface of a tumble track, the Dr felt the power she was pushing through to do the next skill coupled with in accurate hand placement was the cause. If they had not had "casues" then I would have reason to worryShe has actually had two other broken bones- a baseball to her face in PE class (the same week she was pushed down and broke the arm) and a finger caught in the stall door in the girls room that same week. The rest of us have never broken ANY bones so I guess she is taking the family quota all for herself!