All-Star Cheering With An Injury

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can y'all start taking ginger supplements instead of NSAIDs? its a natural anti-inflammatory that also gets rid of nausea instead of destroying the lining of your stomach and causing permanent damage like advil. your future ulcers will thank me one day.
Tried it, and it didn't work nearly as well as the Advil.
And where would one find ginger supplements? Whole Foods?

whole food sources are the best, but if you don't just want to eat a chunk a ginger as needed, there is crystallized and powdered ginger. i go to an alternative health school, so mine comes from the chinese herbal garden LOL but you just want a pure form of ginger. i know puritan's pride makes a supplement if you don't want to eat it or mix the powder into your diet. they also probably sell ginger capsules in your local drug store. just read the ingredients and get as pure a form of ginger as you can. if they offer organic, even better.

we see people in the office who will be taking 20+ advil a day and we start them off replacing one or two advil with a ginger supplement each day and have them slowly increase the ginger and decrease the NSAIDs. i also say to give it a month before you stop trying. your body has to adjust.

ginger may actually be stronger and more effective than NSAIDs and it causes virtually no harm or negative side effects. there's plenty of info out there if you're interested, but here's a quick research article from pubmed. Ginger--an herbal medicinal product with broad an... [J Med Food. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI
whole food sources are the best, but if you don't just want to eat a chunk a ginger as needed, there is crystallized and powdered ginger. i go to an alternative health school, so mine comes from the chinese herbal garden LOL but you just want a pure form of ginger. i know puritan's pride makes a supplement if you don't want to eat it or mix the powder into your diet. they also probably sell ginger capsules in your local drug store. just read the ingredients and get as pure a form of ginger as you can. if they offer organic, even better.

we see people in the office who will be taking 20+ advil a day and we start them off replacing one or two advil with a ginger supplement each day and have them slowly increase the ginger and decrease the NSAIDs. i also say to give it a month before you stop trying. your body has to adjust.

ginger may actually be stronger and more effective than NSAIDs and it causes virtually no harm or negative side effects. there's plenty of info out there if you're interested, but here's a quick research article from pubmed. Ginger--an herbal medicinal product with broad an... [J Med Food. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI
How big are these capsules? I hate taking pills and can't swallow anything bigger than ibuprofen
can y'all start taking ginger supplements instead of NSAIDs? its a natural anti-inflammatory that also gets rid of nausea instead of destroying the lining of your stomach and causing permanent damage like advil. your future ulcers will thank me one day.

Destroyed my stomach taking Advil. I'm 16 and I'm on three different prescription anti acids....
How big are these capsules? I hate taking pills and can't swallow anything bigger than ibuprofen

they shouldn't be any bigger than the advil gel capsules. they're usually in those clear cellulose capsules (like the average penicillin capsule size i guess?)

you could also try ginger tea or sometimes i'll chew on dried ginger if i have a headache.
they shouldn't be any bigger than the advil gel capsules. they're usually in those clear cellulose capsules (like the average penicillin capsule size i guess?)

you could also try ginger tea or sometimes i'll chew on dried ginger if i have a headache.

Thanks so much! I have a lot of pain with my back and painkillers arent working so might give ginger a go
whole food sources are the best, but if you don't just want to eat a chunk a ginger as needed, there is crystallized and powdered ginger. i go to an alternative health school, so mine comes from the chinese herbal garden LOL but you just want a pure form of ginger. i know puritan's pride makes a supplement if you don't want to eat it or mix the powder into your diet. they also probably sell ginger capsules in your local drug store. just read the ingredients and get as pure a form of ginger as you can. if they offer organic, even better.

we see people in the office who will be taking 20+ advil a day and we start them off replacing one or two advil with a ginger supplement each day and have them slowly increase the ginger and decrease the NSAIDs. i also say to give it a month before you stop trying. your body has to adjust.

ginger may actually be stronger and more effective than NSAIDs and it causes virtually no harm or negative side effects. there's plenty of info out there if you're interested, but here's a quick research article from pubmed. Ginger--an herbal medicinal product with broad an... [J Med Food. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI
wow people actually take 20+ Advil aa day. Dang. I don't take hardly any medicine because it never works for me. I'm going to try chunks of ginger lol because I get bad headaches sometimes.
I would rather tear up my stomach than eat chunks of ginger. That is on mg short list of foods that I do not like.

I don't take anything very often. I will stick with my naprosyn.
When I had a wisdom tooth taken out in May, the dentist told me that I could take 5-6 Advil at once and it is equivalent to prescription strength, if I did not want to take a prescription pain killer. I have since taken that doage when I have had lower back pain and it does the trick fast without any stomach issues.

As far as pushing through an injury, my oldest cheered on an injured ankle for almost 2 seasons. Even when she finally gave it time to heal, it was too far gone at that point. She had one ankle surgery at 14 and a second 7 months later to tighten the ligaments and tendons, and gave up cheering for good prior to the first surgery which was at the end of 9th grade. I cannot stress enough how much I wish I had made her wait the entire time recommended initially before returning to cheer. My current cp has injured both her ankles on separate occasions (my kids have weak ankles, it is just something we deal with) but each time she sat out the entire time she was supposed to and went to PT to aid in healing and then to strengthen it. If the doctor said 5-6 weeks, it was 6 weeks. I do not care if it means losing a spot on a team, not giving an injury the proper time to heal - especially in a child - is one of the worst things that a parent can do. And leaving it up to your teenager rather than the doctor to determine when they can return is just irresponsible parenting imho. Of course the kids want to go back in as soon as they can, and will downplay injuries to make it happen. As our orthopedist once said, "How much are they paying her to cheer? Nothing? Well then why would you allow her to return before her injury has healed?" I'm a little passionate about this subject if you cannot tell!
With kids, it's usually pretty easy for me to tell if they are hurt, or injured. Hurt means they can push past it, injured means they need to sit out, possibly call mom depending on the severity, and most likely return with a doctors note. I don't allow any of my kids to sit out more than one practice without a doctor's note, if it's that serious it needs to be checked out.
I was in a boot my senior year for a torn tendon in the arch of my foot, so standing in general was really painful for me, even though my orthopedic doctor put me in a walking boot instead of an actual cast. Had I been in a cast and not able to stand without crutches, I wouldn't have been able to stunt and come back too soon, and retearing that same tendon a year later by running. I never felt like I could take the time off to be hurt, as I was cheering for both school and allstar, and had to submit my tryout to NCA in that window of time during my injury. Although I stayed in the boot as long as my doctor told me too, I knew it wasn't healing right by the amount of ibuprofen I was taking to make it through practice because I was standing on it for 3 hours a day, five days a week at the gym, school, and games. Having a coach ask me if I had forgotten how to hit a full up since my foot was in a boot was tough, but I guess it's why I never really wanted to sit out, and I guess it's where my "push through everything" mentality was formed.

Two weeks before Cheersport that year, I got hit in the chest at practice and my legs went numb. Tried to go full out, and I couldn't feel anything, other than intense lower back pain. My arms and legs were numb so I stopped stunting. The next two days were fine, other than my back being sore. Sunday, we were competing at a small competition to prepare our cheersport routines, and the pain was back after my first performance. I couldn't feel my legs walking off the mat and had to lay down in the warm up area crying, with what felt like everyone watching me. No one could really figure out what was wrong with me, but I still had to go out for the team I was filling in for at the time. I laid down until it was their warmup time, I didn't even touch up my hair or makeup (my mom did, which was a big deal for me, because I never let her do anything. That's how you know something wasn't right) I went out with the second team, and got hit in the chest again catching a front full (which in hindsight, was my bad, I was right underneath of it, but in the moment I wasn't thinking). Couldn't feel my legs or arms again but finished the routine. I was a mess. I couldn't get into the doctors until Wednesday, but that's when they realized I had a bulging disc in my lumbar region which was causing my legs to go numb, and the nerves in my shoulders were being pressed by my muscles being so tight from the stress of being in the gym seven days a week at that point.

Thursday at practice, even though everyone knew I really shouldn't be stunting, I still had to. It was the last practice before cheersport, and it was expected that everything was perfect (my stunt was, btw) but my back was hurting to the point of crying but I still had to keep stunting. After practice, I had to sit on a bus for 12 hours which wasn't fun for my back either but oh well.

I had tumbled in six different places during one of the routines at Cheersport, but in the warm up room I was bawling (again) because of how badly my back was hurting, and ended up having 3 of the passes pulled. I felt like a huge letdown to my team, seeing as how two of those passes were in the center of the mat.

The following week, I was still only doing three of the passes, but our tumbling score was the only thing that was lower than the second place team, so I told my coach that I was going to do all six passes so we could have a better quantity score, and he seemed pleased to hear that.

I would never lay blame on anyone but myself for allowing myself to cheer while injured. I had all the power to say, "no, I can't," but I chose not to.
whole food sources are the best, but if you don't just want to eat a chunk a ginger as needed, there is crystallized and powdered ginger. i go to an alternative health school, so mine comes from the chinese herbal garden LOL but you just want a pure form of ginger. i know puritan's pride makes a supplement if you don't want to eat it or mix the powder into your diet. they also probably sell ginger capsules in your local drug store. just read the ingredients and get as pure a form of ginger as you can. if they offer organic, even better.

we see people in the office who will be taking 20+ advil a day and we start them off replacing one or two advil with a ginger supplement each day and have them slowly increase the ginger and decrease the NSAIDs. i also say to give it a month before you stop trying. your body has to adjust.

ginger may actually be stronger and more effective than NSAIDs and it causes virtually no harm or negative side effects. there's plenty of info out there if you're interested, but here's a quick research article from pubmed. Ginger--an herbal medicinal product with broad an... [J Med Food. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI
Thanks, I never knew this. I am going to try this for myself, I have a bad back and I cannot take NSAIDs because of a bleeding disorder, hope it works!
My CP hurt her wrist when her flyer fell on it. She stopped her tumbling classes because she was smart enough to know not to tumble. However she kept trying to stunt on her team because she knew she would most likely be given nothing to do in the routine if she sat out. She would unwrap her soft cast and stunt. Last time we went back to the doctor he put her in a hard cast because she told him she had been taking the other one off. She was moved from base to front spot. She came back yesterday and told me she is still stunting with her hard cast and was moved back to base. Who knows what will happen when we go back to the doctor Friday:(
My CP hurt her wrist when her flyer fell on it. She stopped her tumbling classes because she was smart enough to know not to tumble. However she kept trying to stunt on her team because she knew she would most likely be given nothing to do in the routine if she sat out. She would unwrap her soft cast and stunt. Last time we went back to the doctor he put her in a hard cast because she told him she had been taking the other one off. She was moved from base to front spot. She came back yesterday and told me she is still stunting with her hard cast and was moved back to base. Who knows what will happen when we go back to the doctor Friday:(
DON"T let her do this!!! If I recall correctly, this is only her first year in cheer? Being a front spot, or not having a spot in stunts is not the end of the world or the end of her cheer career. No properly healing a break could be. It just isn't worth it!
DON"T let her do this!!! If I recall correctly, this is only her first year in cheer? Being a front spot, or not having a spot in stunts is not the end of the world or the end of her cheer career. No properly healing a break could be. It just isn't worth it!
I told her not to do it because if she had just left the soft cast alone she would probably be healed by now. She has now not tumbled in over a month! She was just so looking forward to be an active participant in the routine. It killed her that now she's basically doing nothing. She is talking about not doing all star next year because of what has happened.

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