Cheerleaders- Rude Vs. Classy

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Sep 3, 2012
In cheer we see rude girls and nice cheerleaders. How do you deal with them? know for a fact cheer is supposed to be about family... Have any of you come across a very rude cheerleader??? How do you define the 2? :p
Oh, this is a loaded question.
Rude encompasses many characteristics, so the thread is really vague - it could refer to being unfriendly at practice, "boo"-ing at awards, mouthing-off to coaches, eye-rolling, not holding doors for the people behind you...
Yes, I've encountered rude cheerleaders and, though it shouldn't, it typically affects the way I look at the entire team/program. Perfect example - at Worlds this year, Little took pics with as many cheerlebs as she could. Victoria Swain (fiercest girl alive) acted like she wanted nothing more than to take a pic with my kid. Another cheerleb sighed, straight-faced said "Yeah," to the pic and acted like it was an imposition. I view CA completely differently than cheerleb #2s program. Should I? Probably not, but I do.
Bottom line, it's about teaching your kids to act right. The responsibility lies, ultimately, with the parents. But IMO, coaches have a duty to those "under their care" to remind every athlete that every single thing the athlete does in uniform reflects on the entire program.
Oh, this is a loaded question.
Rude encompasses many characteristics, so the thread is really vague - it could refer to being unfriendly at practice, "boo"-ing at awards, mouthing-off to coaches, eye-rolling, not holding doors for the people behind you...
Yes, I've encountered rude cheerleaders and, though it shouldn't, it typically affects the way I look at the entire team/program. Perfect example - at Worlds this year, Little took pics with as many cheerlebs as she could. Victoria Swain (fiercest girl alive) acted like she wanted nothing more than to take a pic with my kid. Another cheerleb sighed, straight-faced said "Yeah," to the pic and acted like it was an imposition. I view CA completely differently than cheerleb #2s program. Should I? Probably not, but I do.
Bottom line, it's about teaching your kids to act right. The responsibility lies, ultimately, with the parents. But IMO, coaches have a duty to those "under their care" to remind every athlete that every single thing the athlete does in uniform reflects on the entire program.
This is spot on. I was very rudely spoken to by 2 cheerleaders from another gym from our same area at a competition we attended a few years ago - they were making some comment on our gym's parent shirt. I felt that it was bad enough that they spoke to anyone that way but for children to speak to an adult in that manner was unacceptable. I called up the owners the next day and reported their cheerleaders. While I highly doubt anything was done on their end to address their athletes' behavior judging from the disinterested response I got from the owner, I will never think anything good of their program following this incident.

On the flip side, we were at Worlds a few years ago and cp must have been around 8 - she asked to take a picture with a Brandon cheerleader who was a doll and happily obliged. She then asked cp if she had any shirts to trade, which she didn't, and the girl still gave her a Brandon practice shirt. To this day it is one of cp's most prized possessions.

I understand that cheerleader are mostly teenagers and like everywhere else you will encounter both good and bad behavior from them depending on their upbringing. But like Mamarazzi said, what you do in that uniform is a direct reflection on your program, and that should be one of the first things taught to athletes at a very young age.
You dont you just define your self. At Cheer Athletics where I cheered we have a saying "Win and Lose with class". Meaning no matter what another gyms athletes or moms might do you alway congratulate them for what they did. Wether they beat you or not. And represent your gym with the dignity and grace you would like others gyms to see your gym for.
Just had to share this... While at worlds last year my mom was sitting in the Josten's Center when a couple girls from a very big name gym came and sat right next to her... My mom is very friendly and proceeded to tell them "wow you guys' uniforms are very cute" and one of the girls replied with "we'll obviously don't you know who we are?" Needless to say my mom was like this :-O. She was flabbergasted and so was I, but I have noticed a few people from this particular gym being rude and/or saying rude things while in uniform or representing their gym. Long story short, being that anytime your wearing your uniform or at a competition you are representing your team, coaches and program,'one must always watch what you say and do.
Just had to share this... While at worlds last year my mom was sitting in the Josten's Center when a couple girls from a very big name gym came and sat right next to her... My mom is very friendly and proceeded to tell them "wow you guys' uniforms are very cute" and one of the girls replied with "we'll obviously don't you know who we are?" Needless to say my mom was like this :-O. She was flabbergasted and so was I, but I have noticed a few people from this particular gym being rude and/or saying rude things while in uniform or representing their gym. Long story short, being that anytime your wearing your uniform or at a competition you are representing your team, coaches and program,'one must always watch what you say and do.

This is my first year of not cheering but my nieces are at CA now. And I think it even more important for the older athletes (like the ones on worlds teams). To be even better role models for not just there gyms, but for the younger girls at the gym who look up to them and want to be them. I would never be okay with my girls acting this way to another teammate, gym mate, parent, or another gyms athletes or parents. It would really bother me if I saw another CA athlete acting like this and representing my 8 year old nieces this way. Its not the role models I want for them or the representation ether.
The good news....I have never encountered a rude cheerleader. The bad news....I've encountered my share of rude parents.
Take it from the catlady, if it isn't nice keep it to yourself.....
I sat amoung a group of cheerleaders and parents from a large gym at Cheersport. When my gyms team came on the cheered at ANY fault and loudly criticized anything. While I was not wearing my gyms name on my chest I did after the routine spoke with a parent and let her know that I was appauled at 1. the horrible sportsmanship they displayed and 2. the adults enticing and also engaging in the same behavior with the kids! The reply I got was "you should mind your own business and go f@#$ off". Nice
I sat amoung a group of cheerleaders and parents from a large gym at Cheersport. When my gyms team came on the cheered at ANY fault and loudly criticized anything. While I was not wearing my gyms name on my chest I did after the routine spoke with a parent and let her know that I was appauled at 1. the horrible sportsmanship they displayed and 2. the adults enticing and also engaging in the same behavior with the kids! The reply I got was "you should mind your own business and go f@#$ off". Nice
The second you saw the parents engaging in the same behaviors as their kids you probably should have realized that these were not the right kind of adults to have any kind of reasonable conversation with, especially one in which you were criticizing their kids' behaviors. The apple never falls far from the tree. It's s shame you had to deal with and hopefully it did not detract too much from your cp's performance.
CheerBank you stole my line- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree- if a parent acts with class normally the child does as well. Also depends on how the gym owners and coaches speak about other gyms- negativity breads negativity.
As a dedicated cheerleader of 13 years, I've seen my fair share of rude cheer people, but this year I really have seen rude. I'm a captain of my team and There is one girl that I would say is a very rude cheerleader. It seems every single time I give advice to anyone or tell the girls to be quiet she takes it personally. She has texted me multiple times yelling at me and telling me that I make her feel inferior and that no one likes me etc. At our last practice my coach told us to be quiet. No one seemed to hear her, so I told the girls to be quiet as well. This teammate told me to stop yelling at them, but I was only trying to get the girls quiet because no one seemed to hear our coach. She then went on to say how I had snapped at her at every practice and (once again) that I made her feel inferior and that she couldn't take it any longer. I then tried to explain myself, but most of the girls were watching her yell at me, and it was quite embarrassing. Yet, she's always yelling at us and trying to "correct" us and is very hypocritical in everything she does. Then, when you try to confront her about it, it's like everything goes in her ear and out the other. Plus she's posted some very mean things about our team on twitter and it's just crazy. But besides this one exception, the cheer world is the one of the greatest things I've ever been involved with. It has its fair share of crazy parents and flat out rude people like every other sport, but the cheer world is just unique. We may be crazy competitive and big headed at some points, but no matter how bad we want to win, the best of us are always ready to cheer on our competition.
As a dedicated cheerleader of 13 years, I've seen my fair share of rude cheer people, but this year I really have seen rude. I'm a captain of my team and There is one girl that I would say is a very rude cheerleader. It seems every single time I give advice to anyone or tell the girls to be quiet she takes it personally. She has texted me multiple times yelling at me and telling me that I make her feel inferior and that no one likes me etc. At our last practice my coach told us to be quiet. No one seemed to hear her, so I told the girls to be quiet as well. This teammate told me to stop yelling at them, but I was only trying to get the girls quiet because no one seemed to hear our coach. She then went on to say how I had snapped at her at every practice and (once again) that I made her feel inferior and that she couldn't take it any longer. I then tried to explain myself, but most of the girls were watching her yell at me, and it was quite embarrassing. Yet, she's always yelling at us and trying to "correct" us and is very hypocritical in everything she does. Then, when you try to confront her about it, it's like everything goes in her ear and out the other. Plus she's posted some very mean things about our team on twitter and it's just crazy. But besides this one exception, the cheer world is the one of the greatest things I've ever been involved with. It has its fair share of crazy parents and flat out rude people like every other sport, but the cheer world is just unique. We may be crazy competitive and big headed at some points, but no matter how bad we want to win, the best of us are always ready to cheer on our competition.
I completely agree with this (and pretty much every other post lol)
I've experienced situations exactly like this tons of times.
In cheer we see rude girls and nice cheerleaders. How do you deal with them? know for a fact cheer is supposed to be about family... Have any of you come across a very rude cheerleader??? How do you define the 2? :p
Is it just me or does the rudeness get worse every year. In South Florida, there is such a fierce rivalry between some gyms. They cheer when a stunt falls.

My husband and I have a saying..."Leave it on the Floor/Field" Once we get in the car it is over. But these girls bring it with them everywhere they go.

There is one gym that has such a reputation for snobby girls but is a really good gym but people won't go there because of this small group of girls who are "Yes, like their mothers!"
We were in line at a comp to get meals (HUGE very slow line) a group of girls (about 5) came up to the girl in front of us and was asking to cut - the girl she was asking who had been in line all this time and had a look of clearly she did not want to as she knew it was wrong. The CP who was doing asking to cut was smacking gum and really just even obnoxious in how she asked the girl. I told the girl politely but clearly that this was not going to happen. The perhaps 13 year old CP said I was not her mother and how was I going to stop her. Well I said besides telling the event staff and having all of them removed from line that I had no problem finding teh owner of the gym for the uniform she had on and telling that person how the cheerleaders representing the gym were behaving in public. Other girls left, loud mouth talked smack and walked away, girl still in line very sweetly a few minutes later apologized and thanked me for helping her not have to make a decision. So same team but very different attitudes.

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