All-Star Cheerleaders Season 2!

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I find it annoying when people who know the whole story come on here and say things like "leave it alone, you don't need to know, why does everyone care so much?" Etc etc. When in all actuality if you didn't know you'd be asking the same questions.

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Nah. I wouldn't care so much haha it's JUST CHEERLEADING. LOL:cheering:

What I find disturbing about your comments is that it appears you are looking for drama.

Let's do a 180 here, you want drama how about this: Maybe they aren't fame who**s and maybe the kid just wanted to tumble without having to dodge a camera/cameraman on the mat, or a crew directing the dialogue between her and her stung group. Maybe she had additional pressures to gain a ton of social media followers. Maybe they, the Cruises, had a problem with the coaches being jerks. What if all that was posted were intimate details of the breakup? We don't want that. You know what...maybe the kid just wants to cheer.

California Allstars, Smoed kids and Jenee (and family) have shown NOTHING but class in this. Gyms and kids breakup, we move on. If, you are indeed and cheer dad or even just a parent, how would you feel about some adult coming on here to question your kid, your wife and you like that? Dude, seriously, why stir the pot.
Seems like your looking for drama! If one of the reasons you stated was true "she didnt want to tumble dodging cameras" then don't sign up for smoed for a 2nd year knowing they are going to do a season 2 instead of "quitting" a week before NCA!

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Fair enough. Guess when your child hits the same level we'll see if your perspective changes.

Cheer Dad = broke dad

Eta. How do you know I have not avoided such notoriety for my cp?

I can't with this. So Dj, I have to ask...:D:p;)

Let's just wait and see. I think that the fact that her sister "quit" too speaks volumes. Sadly, when and if the truth is revealed, we will find that their departure from Smoed/Snipers is probably due to a personal family issue that we really don't need to "need" to know. I doubt that her sister would leave too, if it were due to Janae having issues with the show and coaches like you listed above.

They are a seasoned cheer family, who has cheered for prestigious teams. for years They aren't going to pull both girls without a reason that they deem very important during NCA week, imo.

I agree with you 100%. How about we all worry about if our own gym is ready for NCA!
Seems like your looking for drama! If one of the reasons you stated was true "she didnt want to tumble dodging cameras" then don't sign up for smoed for a 2nd year knowing they are going to do a season 2 instead of "quitting" a week before NCA!

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Yes, because I am looking for drama. OK. And because every season is like the last...
Well how much can a web series change in a season! Do they camera men become invisible? For someone who claims to not know anything about the situation your becoming very defensive!

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Defensive? Season as in cheer season... I also didn't "claim" to know either way. We all saw Jenee's post, I accept it as is. I don't need any further answers. As a parent, I get it. What else?
Janie Sue wouldn't even be a thought on this board. The only athletes about which this would be discussed are those with some notoriety. And I can certainly think of one athlete in particular that switched gyms three times in a season and it was all sunshine and roses from this board.

Seriously? That happened? Wow.
There must be something really wrong since she left a week before NCA. And she didnt even mention Eddie in her letter or what ever that was so I guess there is something wrong. And she is on youtube show that has thousands views so ofcourse people will talk about her.
And I am not going to NCA so dont tell me to go work on my jumps and instead of talking about her....

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Normally I would agree it really isn't anyone's business except the parties who are involved. However when a cheer twitter with 89.5k followers and a known family friend chooses to retweet it, it becomes everyone's business. We didn't make it everyone's business - they did. I hope it all works out for everyone involved.
I really do understand why people want an explanation. But I also realize that for all we know, her grades dropped, Eddie wouldn't allow her a night off to study for finals, she bombed, and her parents decided that wasn't acceptable. Probably wouldn't want that out in public.
Or it could be health.
Or they could be moving.
Or her dog is sick.
Or Jenee had a feng shui master tell her that her chi is messed up by neon.
Guys, face it. If either party wanted to be more specific, they would've. They weren't, and there's not a single thing we can say to convince them otherwise.

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