All-Star Cheerleaders Season 2!

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This is an excerpt from CSP's loooooong Facebook post she put up just prior to NCA where she talked in general terms about SE and then spoke to them individually. I've never seen a coach who not only knows everyone of her kids this well but takes the time to give them the most public support possible (let's face it, anything she posts is pretty public).

We made the change to CEA this year and all three of my kids teams are coached by Courtney. Yes it's been a difficult transition for my younger less confident cp, but she's already a much stronger athlete for having Courtney as her coach.

I was, and will continue to be, impressed by her dedication and love of her athletes...amber included:

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i would love to read more of these, where can you find this on CSP facebook page.

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This is an excerpt from CSP's loooooong Facebook post she put up just prior to NCA where she talked in general terms about SE and then spoke to them individually. I've never seen a coach who not only knows everyone of her kids this well but takes the time to give them the most public support possible (let's face it, anything she posts is pretty public).

We made the change to CEA this year and all three of my kids teams are coached by Courtney. Yes it's been a difficult transition for my younger less confident cp, but she's already a much stronger athlete for having Courtney as her coach.

I was, and will continue to be, impressed by her dedication and love of her athletes...amber included:

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opps sorry double post. but i would love to read more of these, where can you find this on CSP facebook page.
Did Amber's mom make an official statement of sorts? Can someone post if its not inappropriate language, I have no idea who her mother is on twitter.
One big difference between this and the SOT kid, Tuan's kid, any kid that left Spirit would be welcomed back tomorrow with open arms because we didn't go on a major social network and bash the owners. Heck my kid went to an open gym a few months ago and one of the owners jumped over a bush to get to her to give her a hug. In our case it was a matter of different strokes for different folks. How her mother decided to handle it made all the difference. Then arguing with a teenager...who is the adult?!
This is not tiny 1 with popscicles and hugs after every practice. Worlds is the closest thing teams have to an Olympic setting and its high pressure. EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE. Spirit has brought in the whole restricted 5 team and some level 4's to sit in front of medium coed when they practiced. The message was "Any one of these kids would love to take your place on the mat because they have that find yours." CA has done the same thing.
I would love for my cp to have a coach like CSP. Yes she's hard on them but she also does things like the Facebook post picking each of the 36 and telling them something wonderful about themselves....yeah bullies do that.
what SOT thread?
The term "bullying" is relative. What one person perceives as bullying another person may not and vice versa. I highly doubt that CSP meant to "bully" her, and some people will think that she didn't. The fact that Amber FELT bullied is what matters. I am happy that she had the strength to remove herself from the situation because "a commitment" is not a reason to stay in a situation that affects you to the point that you feel bullied.

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Next time you will even think about girls body at least try to shut your mouth and stay quiet because this is rude and noone should never say something like this.

I'm pretty sure this is being taken completely out of context... I believe what she means in just like Lauren stepped up & had to base this year, she doesn't think jenee would step up? If that makes sense? I don't think she meant that's jenee's big. Just a guess though

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opps sorry double post. but i would love to read more of these, where can you find this on CSP facebook page.

Go to Courtney's page and scroll back to February 27th. It starts out like this.........

For years Senior Elite can be summed up in only two words:
"All In"
For me it means complete devotion. No one wonders if everyone is going to be on time or at practice, that's a given.
For me it symbolizes the gift of getting to choose each season 36-40 girls who are willing to go the distance with me and do whatever it takes to turn dreams into reality.

***What people don't know is that she's been doing these love letter's to (it started with JE the night before Dallas) and graduated up to SE. They would come by email. I can't think of a year 1 of my kids hasn't gotten one.
Go to Courtney's page and scroll back to February 27th. It starts out like this.........

For years Senior Elite can be summed up in only two words:
"All In"
For me it means complete devotion. No one wonders if everyone is going to be on time or at practice, that's a given.
For me it symbolizes the gift of getting to choose each season 36-40 girls who are willing to go the distance with me and do whatever it takes to turn dreams into reality.

***What people don't know is that she's been doing these love letter's to (it started with JE the night before Dallas) and graduated up to SE. They would come by email. I can't think of a year 1 of my kids hasn't gotten one.
She reminds me SOOO much of my field hockey coach from high school. So much passion and love for the sport, adores her athletes, writes letters to them, pours all of her passion into her athletes, let's everyone know that if you're not in it, then you're replaceable. She was so hard on us but was the first person to be there when we needed someone to cry on. We were state champions many times. People on the outside thought she was mean but we all knew she did it for us and loved each one of us like her own. Ironically she coached my class from rec till high school. If CSP is anything like my old coach (she sounds just like her) I guarantee she is nothing but great. Until you personally have a coach like that you've got no idea what it's like. I say you go CSP if people can't handle the pressure, let them leave and get someone in there who can. Reading the comments on IG between the girls that's exactly what it sounds like. I have never met CSP but I have so much respect for her because she sounds exactly like my old coach to a T. Lol sorry this was so long.

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I just got home from work and my CP showed me the dramatic posts and group texts, etc. One I asked her not to delve too far into this stuff because it's her senior year at CEA and she loves all parties involved!

After reading this part of the thread, I just feel tired and sad. Amber and her mom should be hugged and kissed goodbye. There should be selfies, and "I'll miss yous and remember whens". That's what we got last year when we skipped last year!
Jenne, should have been welcomed and chatted about traditions, and jokes, and "guess what?" or "You wanna come?" That's what we got, right @mstealtoyou

But that's not what's happened and it's sad. Nobody's perfect. There are multiple sides to every story. Things happen, and relationships can suffer. Nothing is ever just one person's fault, usually there's enough blame for everyone involved. That's not gossip. That's just life.

But, at the end of the day, a relationship between a girl and someone she has loved for a long time, her coach, is in tatters.

Everybody loses.

Oh WELL! Back to my happy place: CEA friends, Senior year, Team Sarah and LE! I like my happy place. The opposite lands you in threads like these!
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This is not tiny 1 with popscicles and hugs after every practice. Worlds is the closest thing teams have to an Olympic setting and its high pressure. EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE. Spirit has brought in the whole restricted 5 team and some level 4's to sit in front of medium coed when they practiced. The message was "Any one of these kids would love to take your place on the mat because they have that find yours."

This is my break from coaching year (focusing on my family for a minute), but in years past, I've done this.

In all fairness, it was on the days when my HS girls were 2 weeks out from a HUGE comp and bailing out of pike baskets we'd been doing since summer. There was one day in particular that the entire pyramid fell, like 4 of 6 stunts bobbled or fell, and like 6 girls were more than 10 min late that day.

I stopped an entire practice and brought in the JV flyers AND my 3 alternates. I asked "Who doesn't want to compete or show up on time because if you do not, these fine folks up front would love to do so for you?" (They knew I meant it because I'd brought a JV girl up the year before for game days.)

The rest of the practice was flawless. Hope nobody had to go to intensive therapy over it!
****Last name's edited by MsTeal

For years Senior Elite can be summed up in only two words:
"All In"
For me it means complete devotion. No one wonders if everyone is going to be on time or at practice, that's a given.
For me it symbolizes the gift of getting to choose each season 36-40 girls who are willing to go the distance with me and do whatever it takes to turn dreams into reality.

Senior Elite 13-14 gives this a whole new layer of meaning.
You are quite simply the very best team I have ever coached in skill and more importantly in heart.

You have made the impossible possible. I want you to know that I want this weekend to be magical for you because when you serve deserve it,
But MY gifts this season have already been unwrapped.
They don't come in adult small and have leather sleeves... They come in frozen moments of joy.
My gifts are those moments when you allow me to live out my purpose .. When you give meaning to my life.

They don't come to me when I'm wearing stilettos in front of thousands they come in quiet tears of joy with my hair in a bun.

Through our obstacles I have witnessed the coming together of individuals into one steadfast, driven, devoted TEAM.

When we say "it's all about the love" ... It's not just the ordinary kind... It's the unconditional version wherein the happiness of every team member is essential to your own happiness.

You have found that kind of love that most people are never lucky enough to experience.

Before you take the stage ... I want you to know individually what you mean to me... And what a precious gift each of you is to this team and to me. I don't get to stop practice each and every time you personally make my heart leap.. But it leaps nonetheless.

Thank you for granting me the biggest payoff of all... Allowing me to be a part of your life, your journey, and allowing me to love each one of you.
I've had the time of my life ... With you.

"Long live... "

Lexie B.
My fearless leader who tackles every ounce of adversity with a smile.. She can be trusted counted on. she is adored. I hope you realize that you are one of the best stunters EVER to wear our uniform... I love your energy and your confidence .. Let's make this happen with some good old "SPIRET"

You represent devotion to a worked hard to be with us and delivers .. You are strong and motivating. It is a joy to see you living out your dream ... I believe in you

I knew there would come a time when her singular talents would be necessary and the time is now.. She saved us, stabilized us and makes us feel safe. She is reliable and gifted

I'll never forget your heart and total commitment to fulfill your dream. SE means the world to you and in turn you teach the team what it means to have this opportunity. You have earned every moment on the floor and have taught our gym what dedication looks like

Amber C
In a short year you have matured into a superstar .. You've earned the respect of the seniors as
They have all told me they know you will carry on their legacy. You are fierce determined and set on your goals. You set a high standard for yourself and your team ... It's your turn to shine this weekend

I fell I n love with your spirit and maturity the first year I coached you and knew you were destined for SE. You make practice a joy and light up every minute we all spend together. You're the kind of friend I hope my girls are when they are older.

I have an unexplainable love for you that resonates constantly. I see your attention to detail and perfection and makes me believe in myself as a coach. You lead via passion... The best kind of leadership and instill confidence in everyone you meet. I love watching your graceful effortless flying .. Watching someone perform from the heart as you do is the highlight of coaching for me. I live for you Gabie and I want everyone to see the glorious absolute perfection you deliver that I get a front row seat to three times a week.

Your moment in the spotlight has been a long time coming... Hello? Girl you've always been a "real dancer" You have mastered your talents like coaches can only dream about. You are reliable and or gorgeous and when the team
Calls on you to answer ... You always come thru

Years and years of little CEA emerging champions spend hours in front of mirrors wanting to be like you. You radiate performance an have a gift that draws people in... You love what you do and the people
Around you... All grown up now I live seeing you be the leader and inspire your teammates to be calm, enjoy the love we have for each other and go for our dream.

Molly F
You bring a such innocence to senior elite... With your charming love of your team and friends ... You have become an incredible performer and gift to us this season and I love seeing your joy everytime you are at practice .. This team is destined to fulfill lifelong dreams like yours .. It's your time!

No less than 9 times every practice I have the following conversation with myself
"(while shaking my head) she's amazing... I don't know how she does all of this in our routine...she's incredible, irreplaceable... Don't know what I'd do without Cori". I see you make saves and quick decisions that defy all possible human ability and I want you to know I appreciate you and I notice... Often

Johunna .
Though not with us on the floor your athleticism
And pursuit of excellence is at the backbone of this team this season. It takes talent to motivate talent and you have been a beacon of hope for all of us. Mastering your three
To double and working so diligently to learn to be a back spot demonstrates the kind of work ethic from which champions are made

Your growth into someone who dreamed of being on senior elite into someone who "is" senior elite has been a joy. You have sharpened your skills delivered two tumbling passes when we needed it most and become someone I can totally count on. I'm proud to call myself your coach... Seeing you live up to your full potential as an athlete is an inspiration to so many

Molly G
So I started at the top of this list of names and every time I got to your name I skipped it... Went all the way to the bottom working my way back to you and here I am... You're the only one left.
I hold my love for you Molly in a tightly wrapped box in my heart. I sometimes mentally visit the box and peel off a little piece of it's wrapping paper and it hurts so much I have to stop.
I see you and I see all that I have done right in my life.
I think of our journey and my heart starts to crack.
You will always be four... You will always be the little girl bouncing off her cheer curls in her handsprings.
But this weekend you are someone new... You are me on the mat... You are embracing this team with your huge heart... Sheltering them on this journey and seeing them through til the end. They count on you... They confide In you and they want to make you happy. You have intuition and wisdom beyond your years... Be in tune with all of them and make them all believe... It's time to finish wrapping the fairy tale story of Courtney and Molly ... I adore you

Every time I see you I see the sweet second grader that learned a full on the third try when at that time no one attempted that skill until middle
Your whole career at CEA you have stared down the barrel
Of adversity and laughed. You are a living legend in your own time returning like you did as if nothing has ever changed. You are truly remarkable. I believe that historically teams are tested right before their biggest win... And while
That test lies squarely on u and your group... I know I speak for the whole team when I say we believe in you. You have always beaten odds and made the impossible look like child's play... I just want you to know I consider myself lucky to
Get to be your coach

Everyone enters our lives for a reason and from the moment I met you I knew you were one of the keys of this teams dream.
I know entering the tumultuous world of large senior isn't easy but you didn't just enter... You broke down the door. Your contribution is immeasurable.
I want you to read this next sentence over and over:
Presley, You are a large part of Senior Elite's success. No longer
Do you "get to be on this team"... Instead this team has the joy
Of "getting to have you." !!!!
Believe in yourself the way
All those around you do... You are
Going to be legendary

I would have given anything to see you take the NCA stage last year ... But the greater gift for me was getting a glimpse into your unbelievably altruistic, giving heart. Sometimes I get discouraged as a coach and need something to get me through... I automatically think about what you gave my family, how much you REALLY care about me and SE and I am immediately returned to my focused deserve
For this dream to come true more than anyone I've ever coached. Thank you for restoring my belief in the goodness in people and for making senior elite the best it's ever been. Some of the strongest fighters
Have the most fragile hearts (I know
This because we are just alike)
I love u.

I simply thank god for you and your gift to this team. You breathe air into every practice and breathe life
Into senior elite... You make
Us all laugh while confidently putting us at ease knowing that your champion heart is going to deliver. I want you to own this routine and give it and your whole team the inspiration and courage to nail it like I know we can. The village has never been so gifted

A coaches job is never done... I have a lot to learn no different than any of my athletes.... Thank you for reminding me of that. This teams success this weekend will be due in large part to your insight ... Watching you go for this tumbling pass and
Deliver two times the skill
Of any one female athlete in your
Division has been a gift.
Warning : I am not responsible for anyone's safety who dares to stand within 8 feet of my joyful flying arms when you land your pass .. I love watching you set the standard in our gym and push yourself each season to give more, do more and be more . You have defined what it means to be senior elite... Now let's put a new definition on what it takes to be the large senior NCA champion . Long Live

It is a proven scientific fact that it is impossible to watch your charming, effervescent self do even half an 8 count in this routine without smiling as the spectator.... You personify JOY to me... You love what you do and it shows. Your growth as a flyer in the last month makes me
Want to make my own button that says " I'm her coach ".... You have really come into your own recently ... You are a coaches dream: athletic, beautiful, focused, and dedicated
You deserve every bit of admiration that comes your way. I love getting to watch you light up the stage

There are kids who want to be on senior elite and then there are the ones who define it... Give it a story and make us a legend. You are the latter.
You need to know that the seniors on this team adore you and believe you are one of the greatest assets on our team. I can't wait to see you dance like there's no tomorrow and show everyone what this team is all about ... Thank you for becoming precisely the athlete I needed you to be at precisely the right time

Hailey Jo
I have such a huge place in my heart for you... To me you represent both sides of what I do simultaneously... Your ability to
Learn, to achieve , to
Listen, to believe and to take all of that bundle it up and contribute to a dream is amazing ... But to take all of those same lessons and be the teacher simultaneously to ALL the CEA kids who are younger than you? Well, that makes you a legend in my book. I am so proud of the well rounded, motivated, confident athlete you have become ( beast basket tosser = a bonus) it makes me feel like I've made the world a better place everytime
I see you shine

Watching you become the person everyone counts on is one of the highlights of my coaching season. You are so nurturing and loving to those around you have become a beautiful leader and someone I know I can count on.. I'm
Proud of you

I've always known your gifts as a stunter but they have really come thru this week ... Your heart and love for this team are inspirational ... And you're becoming quite the dancer too .. I'm proud of your devotion to the team and commitment.

You were born for this team... After your first practice My veterans immediately texted begging to keep you with SE... Your confident spirit , beautiful
Technique and determination make you an incredible asset .. You're the kind of person who would go thru a wall for the people you care about... Precisely what we needed

I've watched you control your god given power and mature into a fantastic stand out performer... You have learned so much this season especially mentally . I'm ready for you to light up like only you can and make this dream come to life . Your "destiny" is and will always be for greatness and I'm thankful we get to share this journey together

Amber P.
I have cried four times this week watching you master this stunt sequence...seeing the glimmer in your eye that tells the story of this journey...I have always been in awe of your skill and now that is matched equally with the respect I have for your inner strength .. You have made me a better coach this season

Lexi P
To me you will always be the little three year old in a Dazzlers uniform waiting for a hug outside my car.. We have always loved each other from a very inner place and this week we brought that out to the surface. I adore you ... I adore the way you put your own signature on every little detail.. I adore the way you nurture your team and the way you love SE.. Let's make this magic happen

Somewhere in between every Sunday of your childhood you became
This model of perfection... You grew from the little girl
On the team into the one who defines the team. I appreciate that you are in the gym every possible
Moment improving and that you think about our team almost as much as I do in a given day. I cherish our laughs and the leader you have become and I know you are carving a lasting legacy with every team mate you lift up

It is rare that I find someone who loves, cherishs, and believes as much as I do. Sharing our bond of wanting this so badly this season is something I have enjoyed and will keep close to my heart forever. I try to burn the smile each one of your encouraging late night texts brings me so when it's all over they can medicate the emptiness not getting to see you each week will cause. You are destiny for such greatness in life as you have the powerful ability to not only dream but turn those dreams into reality. Take every moment in this weekend and know what a legacy you have already created ... I love you Riley... I know we can do this

For some athletes it takes me years to make a decision on whether or not to place them on senior elite .. For you it took five minutes... Your versatility and incredible skills speak for themselves... But it's your heart and your absolute determination that makes you unique ... You have a look in your eye that says "give me the ball coach.. I have this" that not only impresses me but is mimicked by your teammates... You have taught them all to never give up and how to make anything possible with faith and resolute determination to succeed

You are the rock of your revolving stunt group and every time we have been forced to make a personnel change I say to myself ... Leah can make this work and you always deliver... You are dynamite in this dance and have earned mt respect this season with so many great performances .. I have to remind myself that it's your first year on senior elite ... Your talent drive and major contribution make it feel as though this has always been your team

Hannah S
I know God sat you next to me with your injury long enough to see what I was trying to achieve for our team... You watched and learned and when I push play in Dallas I will feel like you are me out there saying what you know I would say ... Motivating your team and pushing everyone constantly your determination to get back on the floor by Dallas is inspiring ... And I know our team is that much stronger because of your presence... Be the coach on the mat and let's bring this vision to life

Courtney T
"If you love something set it free if it comes back love it forever" ... I want you to know that every time I see you walk thru the gym
Door I smile... I know what it was like to not have your beauty, your talent, your quiet strength, your love of cheering, and most of all you last season and it makes my heart swell every time I see your face. I have always admired your
Personal devotion to your skills and the way you push yourself ... This year I have seen you master a whole new set of skills . You are so valuable to senior elite .. I knew I'd see you again

If every athlete soaked up detail and correction the way you do CEA would be undefeated for a decade... Your contribution to this team lies in your sincere ability to be perfect, your
Relentless pursuit of your goals and your work ethic. I have never coached someone so coach-able..I notice just so you know that you give 100% constantly and that this team is so important to you... I love that I get to be your coach and that we get to share this dream

I know you don't know this but.. I see you as the next go to girl for me. The athlete in a long line of decorated leaders that can communicate to me on behalf of the whole team and help me make the best possible decisions... You have a god given ability to inspire your teammates and keep them focused... I know how hard you have worked lately and I believe in you... Just know that I cherish your heart and your love and I'm proud of you

I watched no less than 10 coed kids and every single coach turn around to me last night with their jaw on the floor in utter amazement at the conviction, beauty, confidence and passion you display in this stunt sequence.... There are no words... Only shaking ones head in disbelief can accurately define the emotion ... You have grown up into a fierce, gorgeous focal point .. You draw people in and tell them your story and it is captivating .. I adore you

Everything happens for a reason... And for senior elite this year twice you have been the blessing. I don't know of anyone I've ever coached who could jump into all the vastly different roles you have been asked to fulfill with almost zero preparation... It is astounding what you are capable of accomplishing... Know that in the face of the adversity we were dealt on Sunday that in a panic I looked at Kathy and then looked at you and knew we would be ok.. A lightbulb went off as I told myself "Miriam's got this". In the short time I have had the honor of being your coach you have saved us all... I'm so very thankful and proud

Cayleigh G
Everytime I see you I smile and I'm proud... Proud to know there are still athletes out there with a cherished goal represent the future for me. I have seen you donate your incredible skills for the good of our entire program this season. Your maturity and wisdom makes
Me want to be a better coach so that I can return the favor to you next season. I appreciate your generosity and love of CEA and for making everything about the Kville gym
A happier, better place in such a short time
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Yes she is on Senior Elite for this season but her mom did say they aren't moving there so it sort of seems this transition to CEA is temporary?

This is correct, all parties - gym owners included were in on discussions to make this temporary transition as smooth as possible. Their professionalism should be applauded, and the details of the whys really isn't pertinent to the solution.

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