All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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It is okay for everyone to have opinions I've learned airing dirty laundry will get you no where and i learned that the hard way but what i don't get is how people are saying it's unfair to be posting negative comments about teammates and how we were bullying etc which is true it was not okay.. but now lets look at whats being said about my team and my coaches.. calling my coaches arrogant and say that they're unprofessional, making comments about how certain athletes aren't strong enough for smoed.. That is exactly what my teammates got crap for and now parents who got pissy at us for it are doing it thats my main issue. I don't understand why this thread has god knows how many pages over ONE athlete who is not associated with our program anymore. It may not be my place what so ever to be posting what i am on this site but i'm tired of just my team getting beat down when there is SO much more to this than anyone realizes.
I commend you for being far more objective in your posts here than you have been on other social media sites in the past. Personally speaking, I used to have much respect for Cali as a program. However, this changed over the last couple of seasons, watching behavior at events and seeing social media posts. I had no need to comment on any of that however, until an athlete that I have known for several years was portrayed on the show poorly and was bashed on social media by you personally as well as other team members and more disgustingly, your coaches. It is all in black and white so there is no way to say it didn't happen. I know this athlete to be nothing like you and your teammates and coaches publicly stated he was, so I defended him against what I consider to be lies being told. Just as you have the right to spew hate, I have the right to defend against that hate that you and your teammates and coaches have posted or spoken about on your show, and that is they only time I have spoken about your program. When I review what has been posted in any of the threads regarding Cali, most of the posts are responses to things posted either on here or other social media by Cali or smoed members or in response to episodes of your show being aired. I think it is important for you to understand that no one started anything against your team - your team initiated it all - whether directly or indirectly. Unfortunately when you put yourself out there (I mean that in plural, not just you personally), you are going to get feedback and it will not all be positive.
I am willing to bet that if you all stopped with the negative social media posts and stopped airing the show you would see the majority of discussions about Cali and Smoed go back to discussing videos and competition results. That would be refreshing for everyone!
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I completely disagree. I think a lot of people are upset the thread closed because they want to see all drama unfold. You seriously underestimate how many people love to sit on the sidelines and watch fierceboard devolve into a crapshow.

I completely disagree. The same discussion that is going on in this thread was going on in that thread. It's very disheartening to know that Cali contacted King to close the thread and remove the links. It seems they want us talking about them but when it's not good they want it shut down. You want to be in the spotlight but only want all the glory of it? You have to take the heat as well.

Also, other gyms have had some sort of negative drama highlighted on the boards and I don't recall too many of them calling to ask for threads to be shut down.
If ATV just aired episodes as it all happens, not a month and a half later & didn't have as much time to edit around everything it would possibly give us a better look at what's going on. But on the other hand, it's possible it wouldn't.
Also, I understand smoed is a team, but honestly in this situation you can't group them all as one, I personally have not seen 20 people from that team say something negative. Yes, there have been quite a few, but to drag the ones who have been silent the whole time into it isn't right.
*Disclaimer* I am in no way trying to pick a side, because this is all about 5 feet away from being ridiculous lol.

Lastly, then I'll shut up haha. I think the coaches at the black & blue CA (and no I will NOT tell you which one, don't bother asking;) ) should talk to their athletes about how to handle situations on social media, though a few haven't set the best examples themselves, especially after things from the past.
If a kid is happier going to another gym, people should support, it'd be no different if a kid left their gym and came to smoed because they felt they'd be happier. Which happened, but now that person is gone. Why waste time being angry on Twitter when you could worry about the team you're coaching or practicing with and think about the positive?

Sorry if I'm all over the place, my brain is fried.
I was asked to to give time for them to reach out to the dad. I felt that was a reasonable request.

This happened in October. The emails were even sent in October. It's now December - and in a few hours it will be January. Exactly how much time do they need?

Not a reasonable request at all.

On another note - someone can join with the username "shitshow" for the sole purpose of handing out negative ratings, and that's OK. But someone posts some (valid) proof of their side of a story, and NOW it's time for moderation?
While I do enjoy a good fierceboard "crapshow" I was more annoyed because the thread was shut down by a request of a big gym to give them time to get their ducks back in a row. Ducks which they have had plenty of time to handle. I can understand why some threads get shut down at certain points when things get ugly or out of line but this was not one of them. Reminded me more of a bailout of Wall Street by the government.

Look, like it or not, King is someone in this industry. He isn't just a random parent or fan. It puts him in a bad place to have links to private emails shared on his site. He didn't delete Dylan's dad's post, and he hasn't stopped him or anyone else from continuing to post about the issue in this thread. The emails aren't hard to find.

We can all stop with the "boo! censorship!" posts because it's simply not true. Dylan's dad HAS been allowed to share his side of the story. If you want the emails, PM him and ask for them.

It may look like I'm defending Cali, but I'm not. I don't have much respect for them after everything I've seen in this thread and heard about them.
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I think the why is pretty obvious to maybe everyone but you!

yeah, everything is always pretty obvious. just like cali has illuminati like powers and influnced a major cheer body to create a universal rule, that affected thousands of athletes, just to keep one guy from participating and at the same timed sacrificed many of their other international athletes. wowzy.
This happened in October. The emails were even sent in October. It's now December - and in a few hours it will be January. Exactly how much time do they need?

Not a reasonable request at all.

On another note - someone can join with the username "shitshow" for the sole purpose of handing out negative ratings, and that's OK. But someone posts some (valid) proof of their side of a story, and NOW it's time for moderation?

It is not my job to be judge and jury on the situation. The conversation was left up and only links to emails were removed. I am still not seeing how that is unreasonable. The emails also could have been posted the day after they were sent but they werent.

As far as a user joining with that username there are filters setup but we can't monitor everything manually. If someone does that is it unreasonable to rely on the community to point it out so we can remove them?
Still he is bashing just like he is complaining about others doing to his kid! Also @obsessivecheer you keep saying your telling the truth in your diatribe of Dylans story but your also using it to bash a bit! If you say a woman has blonde hair that can be truth but saying a woman has blonde hair and a big nose is truth mixed with a bit of opinion. Reading what you wrote I see a lot of the latter.

Also, were those the ONLY emails you received and sent or only the ones you wanted to post? Did dylan ever talk to tannaz or ANY coach about leaving after being approached by a "friend" to go to CEA? Did Courtney ever call Tannaz just out of professional respect about this boy coming to her program?

I know you see it as threats of deportation, but I believe it could also be seen as a way for Cali to cover their behind to contact immigration and tell them that the guy they helped come live with them has now bailed on them and they want nothing to do with what happens to him now, so take us out of anything regarding is exploits in the US now.

I don't see bashing going on. I see getting tired of his son being bashed and finally speaking up to show their side of the story.

And I'm sorry, but why should Courtney call Tannaz? The last time I switched hair stylists I don't recall my new stylist calling my old one to ask first. No one owns anyone, we are customers of a service.
This happened in October. The emails were even sent in October. It's now December - and in a few hours it will be January. Exactly how much time do they need?

Not a reasonable request at all.

On another note - someone can join with the username "shitshow" for the sole purpose of handing out negative ratings, and that's OK. But someone posts some (valid) proof of their side of a story, and NOW it's time for moderation?

Did anyone tag a mod and ask that the user be banned? Because I didn't know that that was happening.
Maybe this will finally prove that reality tv is a bad idea! It is reality tv, but the producers of the show do the editing and THEY choose what to keep and what to cut! If there is no drama then they don't want u in the show. I hope in the future coaches just say NO! These r kids and their families. Never a good idea.
I think this is more the frustrations of a parent who's son got injured because a teammate was put in a position she doesn't have enough practice/strength on. I'm not sure if you've seen the episode or not, but Eddie himself said that without Dylan pulling the weight of that group it can't stay up hence why Jessica was replaced.
It's just pretty discrediting to the three other people working to put the stunt up. If I remember correctly, he said she was a weaker base. That and saying she should have never been put on the team to begin with are different.
In life, you will be hurt, disappointed, stepped on, beat down, kicked in the stomach, thrown back- it is how you handle that negativity and sadness that defines who you are. I understand expressing disappointment, I understand frustration, but the demonizing of people who don't do things the way you do is not necessary, ever.

Yes x1000 to whomever said 'Just because you apologize, doesn't mean you don't have consequences.' This is the harsh reality of life on the internet. Every day, every time you post, you are representing 'Brand You.' And sometimes, your brand ties into 'Brand Company.' How do you want to be represented? How does what you post reflect 'Brand You and Brand Company.' It's something most young people don't consider, and yet, we ALL have to deal with it. Right now, Brand Smoed, Brand Cali, and several Personal Brands aren't looking too hot in the eyes of the general public (or the Fierceboard Public). You have a wonderful realization moment to decide how you'd like to handle things going forward. Choose wisely.
It is not my job to be judge and jury on the situation. The conversation was left up and only links to emails were removed. I am still not seeing how that is unreasonable. The emails also could have been posted the day after they were sent but they werent.

As far as a user joining with that username there are filters setup but we can't monitor everything manually. If someone does that is it unreasonable to rely on the community to point it out so we can remove them?

Did anyone tag a mod and ask that the user be banned? Because I didn't know that that was happening.

I'm on the app and can't see negative ratings. The only reason I knew it was happening was because someone posted about it in the other thread. I went and looked after someone posted the username.

Not sure if a mod was tagged - but I'm pretty sure mods were reading that thread thoroughly, so I wouldn't think a tag was necessary. But the community did point it out.

Eta - maybe it was in the Illinois thread. Not sure because I'm on the app.
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