This thread has totally spiraled. Its totally cool for those that feel they need to continue to engage in this never ending discussion.. This is america. Its a free coutnry. But can we please, for all that is sane in this world.. detour this topic to the actual "dylans story" thread ? if it hasnt been locked?
Dylan is no longer on smoed.. therefore not involved with cheerleaders season 3 so the fact that this thread is being consumed by this ordeal is tiring..
Well actually the most current episode of Cheerleaders is CALLED "Dylan's Story" so it's very relevant.
Regardless of who is and isn't on the team currently, the show is a couple months behind. When they come out with a new episode that isn't entirely about Dylan, then we can move on. Right now, the topic of the show is Dylan. Hence the topic of the thread about the show is... you guessed it... Dylan.
That's actually why the other thread was closed - because there was no need for it, since it was related to the show.
As for the last couple pages... What in the world?
@Fierce_Elite I was really considering defending you, because I do think you're trying to change and people won't let you. Then I come on here to... THIS.
No one called you a cat! What are you even thinking? Her post said "cat gifs aren't the only way to derail a thread" - because usually when we go off topic people start posting pics of cats. Instead, you came along and derailed this thread, with no cats. Jeez... You read too much into things!
And you can't be banned for posting asterisks where curse words would be. Otherwise, sadly, I'd be long gone. And where would this board be then, hm?
You don't even need a new account. Change your name and your picture, wait a couple weeks, and post away. 99% of us won't even notice it's you. Emmecheer did it - I can't even remember who she is on here now, but I know she's on here with a different name and pic (same account tho). And she's fine - obviously.
I gotta go to work and order some costumes. Can y'all try not to make it impossible for me to catch up tonight?