All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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it'll be linked, cause i'll be linking it. ;) whether is gets taken down or not will be another story.

i just wish that someone that had the know how would rip it from the app and upload it to youtube. if i was an iphone user i would've figured it own yesterday. we need to get it over with already. lol
I'm sure in a demonstration of equity to both sides of this issue the episode link would be removed from here. You can always tweet it.

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I'm sure in a demonstration is equity to both sides of this issue the episode link would be removed from here. You can always tweet it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i'll link my tweet.

hmmm... would the link of a link to a removed link get removed? (link-ception)
I took it as, had Dylan's family asked ATV not to post the video, they would have ignored it.

Fierce Board is a forum site that does not host files or videos for people to post. There is plenty of websites that will do this for anyone. All that can be done here is a link removed. Outside of discussion (which wasn't removed) nothing really went away. I just complied with wishes of one party while there was time spent reaching out. The request did not seem unreasonable.
Word is he is much happier and fitting in just fine.

**there is always 2 sides of a story to be told...oh wait.....**
If you did an overstretch interview for closure between Smoed staff & Dad of Dylan you would get a ton of views. Unfortunately, it feels like many people want the drama to continue not have a peaceful closure. As stated before Dylan has moved and is doing great. He will continue to be very successful at CEA!

And him and his family had been completely silent until their son's name was placed front and center in that episode, titled.."Dylan's Story" SILENT. As a mother, you can't tell me that adults disparaging your child who left without drama or any noise whatsoever wouldn't set off a oh heck no reaction from you to protect your child?? Kris, you are so hot to defend these coaches and this show that you can't see this man was defending his SON??? DO you think what he did was out of line? You're shimmying post's about "I'm closing this thread and removing links until Eddie and Tannaz can reach out to this Dad." Too little too late on that front. Probably returning a text or email while his son was still on their team would have been in order but.........that was too much to hope for. Nobody wants the drama to continue as much as we believe this man has every right to sit up and say I know how you operate and under no circumstances will I sit back while you spread lies on your 6 minute webshow about my son! That wasn't Dylan's story. That 6 minutes of BS should have been titled Lying Liar that Lies............ Pssshhhhtttt
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Fierce Board is a forum site that does not host files or videos for people to post. There is plenty of websites that will do this for anyone. All that can be done here is a link removed. Outside of discussion (which wasn't removed) nothing really went away. I just complied with wishes of one party while there was time spent reaching out. The request did not seem unreasonable.
Oh I know! I'm just saying that I didn't think they were talking about you not allowing the link to the episode, but ATV not posting the episode at all.
If you did an overstretch interview for closure between Smoed staff & Dad of Dylan you would get a ton of views. Unfortunately, it feels like many people want the drama to continue, not have a peaceful closure. As stated before Dylan has moved on and is doing great. He will continue to be very successful at CEA!

That in no way would be a good idea for anyone involved to do a show. I am not involved with either party so I don't have a vested interest in who is right or wrong. Pretty much this sucks for everyone involved and it's gonna be a messy ending either way.

I can say I'm glad I turned down the shot to have GT be in a reality show. Just a high chance of things getting dramatic.
What are they (Cali) even going to do by contacting Dylan's father? What are they possibly going to say?? Pretty, pretty, please stop it with a cherry on top?" The situation is done and over with. I don't believe there are any legal actions Cali can take against the Grants, are there? If all that was posted was true and original, then the postings were not defamatory.

If you did an overstretch interview for closure between Smoed staff & Dad of Dylan you would get a ton of views. Unfortunately, it feels like many people want the drama to continue, not have a peaceful closure. As stated before Dylan has moved and is doing great. He will continue to be very successful at CEA!

I can only speak for myself about this but as entertaining as this has been, I would wish this would die down for Dylan's sake. Above all, I want Cali to own up to their mistakes and take responsibility. Grow up and act like the mature and professional adults I expect you to be. Get control of your athlete's twitter antics and reprimand them for it. It's disgusting what has unfolded in the past year driven by the hurt feelings of the athletes and the supposed "responsible role models". Hurt feelings over who is and who isn't on your team. Hurt feelings over cheerleading. It just makes you all look so childish. And the subtweet's towards the board are so stupid. The "you don't even know what happened", "don't talk about what you don't know" tweets. Like, yes, what I thought happened is what LITERALLY happened. I don't need to be apart of the Smamily to hypothesize and accurately predict what happened. It's not as complicated as you (Cali/smoed members) think it is.
As a member of cali smoed and on behalf of myself i would like to just say from the other side of things there is a lot that outsiders, parents, cheerleaders etc don't know about California all stars as a program as well as Smoed. Just because there is a 7 to 10 minute show every sunday does not mean that it covers every little detail. It is sad that we get called bullies for what we say on social media because take a look at this thread 156 pages about a cheerleading team.. it's sad that it is full of arguments, people who think their judgement is right, or that they know every detail about the issues that go on. This is not what cheerleading is in my eyes. Every kid works to damn hard to be put down like this. Dylan made his decision and unfortunately not even smoed will know the entire story all we can do now is sit back give god the glory and be thankful for what he does for us. Everything happens for a reason and i think now my team is finally understanding that. If this rubs people the wrong way which im 99 percent sure it will, I can't say that i am sorry. I love my teammates more then i can possibly express my coaches are the worlds most incredible, gifted, kind hearted souls i have ever come across. Eddie and Orby are like my dads when i had no one and nothing they are who took care of me and not because of "favoritism" like some people like to think but because they are people who love to help and will give everything they have to someone in need. I hope at least one person on this thread can see a little of what i'm trying to get across. I'm not typing this for fan base or because i want people to love us or any of that, im saying this because i feel like i have to stick up for my family of 19 kids who haven't said a word on these boards. I will gladly take the the bashing, crap talking, blame for speaking out on this topic of answering. I hope every person can move on from this and we can focus on the beauty of cheerleading and how blessed we are to have such an amazing sport that only some are lucky to do.

Thank you
Kassidy Neary
And him and his family had been completely silent until their son's name was placed front and foremost in that episode. SILENT. As a mother, you can't tell me that adults disparaging your child who left without drama or any noise whatsoever wouldn't set off a oh heck no reaction from you to protect your child?? Kris, you are so hot to defend these coaches and this show that you can't see this man was defending his SON??? DO you think what he did was out of line? You're shimmying post's about "I'm closing this thread and removing links until Eddie and Tannaz can reach out to this Dad." Too little too late on that front. Probably returning a text or email while his son was still on their team would have been in order but.........that was too much to hope for. Nobody wants the drama to continue as much as we believe this man has every right to sit up and say I know how you operate and under no circumstances will I sit back while you spread lies on your 6 minute webshow.

I actually think both Dylan and his Dad appear to be wonderful and awesome guys. I wish both of them the very best. I have never said anything negative about either of them. With that said I do agree with King's decision. I don't see the point in bashing anyone. I believe Orby is a wonderful Coach with a heart of gold. When the show first came out many people felt that way. To me it is sad how quickly some people will turn on you.

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