So what does everyone do when they catch an attitude ....any advice?!
I catch attitudes alot and i really wanna change it but its really hard to channel my anger!
Hi, you're me. Nice to meet you.
I can't say that I catch an attitude a LOT (ok, yes I do,) but when I do, it's a nice, big ol' rotten, stank attitude. So what I've learned to do is warn people that I have an attitude that day/moment. I'm one of those people that can't hide how I feel on my face, even a little, so when someone comes up to me and says "Hey - what's wrong," because they inevitably will, I usually just say, in a pleasant voice "I'm just feeling a little homicidal today...I'll be ok. But Lord, forgive me for anything I might do or say for the next 2 hours."
Biggest thing I try to remember is that it's not Susie's fault that Sally's Mom ticked me off. And other people's issues have nothing at all to do with me. So if someone else is getting done dirty, why should I get angry about it? If your temper is that quick to fire up, you have to try to figure out why.
As far as channeling, I usually plug my headphones in and tune the world out for a while, or I vent (loudly, but
privately) to a friend with lots of nice, colorful, descriptive cuss words. My cp cries her little eyes out, then takes it out on the mat and gets skills. I've heard a ton of people say they tumble way better when they're angry.