I was in gymnastics in 7th grade (4 yrs ago), and one time I was walking from the locker room to our gym in my leotard, and the football boys were walking down the hallway to to go outside to practice. Anyways, this one boy, one of the "popular" guys, was walking behind me and loudly said "ew". (mind you I wasn't the skinniest back then, but wasn't overweight.) At that age, I was always worried about how I looked and especially being in something as skin tight as our leotards. Once he said this, I just kinda played it off, but inside I wanted to roll on the floor crying. I wouldn't eat for a few days after that, but within two weeks returned to eating normally again. I wish people understood how something as simple as saying "ew" will stick with them forever. No matter how many times someone can say "You look great!", it never outweighs that one person who says something negative. After reading this thread, I'm definitely more careful about the comments I make to my flyer. Obviously my story wasn't as bad as some of the other very strong girls who have posted on here, but it definitely impacted me greatly at the time.