All-Star Cheerleading Superstitions?

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I feel like I'll go good as Long as I have:
A snickers
Me too! I can't eat anything but a snickers for about five hours before I compete. I also have to rub my hands on the mat to "claim" it and then wipe them on the bottom of my shoes cos my palms get nervous sweat (eeeeuw gross!).
I have to do my handshake with my bestfriend, Kayla before we compete.
and i have to eat skittles sometime that day unless we dont win! but not the green or purple ones:)
I can only warm up my tumbling once, or at least until I hit it once. Otherwise I work myself up too much.
i cant really think about one, but i cant do any thing in the warmup room more like tumbling and jump wise cause my first is always the best.
....I can't use hair spary....

:jawdrop:if I do it'll be the death of me.
bobby pins do JUST fine.
  • I spray my sportsbra with perfume ( stupid I know)
  • I have to shave my legs the night before
  • Have my lucky stuffed animal
  • Lucky cheer blanket
  • I have to hug my mom before I go to warm ups
  • On the floor I have to yell my saying " Rock it don't bomb it!"
  • When the routine ends I always jump on my friend first
we always have pixie sticks after we warm up, and i must must must have an orange one.
i wear my lucky underwear.
my mom gives me the same encouraging talk before i leave her to go to warmups.
and i always walk onto the mat with the same person.
andd i forgot!! right before the music starts, i say "i can do this, i will do this. we can do this, we will do this."
~ get ready with my uniform bottoms on, and a sports bra.
~ dont wair foundation, only eye make up.
~ NEED fake eye lashes on and on good.
~ dont wair a bra under my sports bra.
~ handshake or hug everyone while in the hold.
~ i always need to say something while in the hold to the full team.
~ hair has to be perfect, if straightened then its pin straight and if curly theres no fly aways.
~ i need to go on holding hands with my best friend.
~ befor the music turns on i need to hear my mom yelling ( shes got a loud mouth .. its not hard to find her )
~ and when i hit the beginning position and take a deep breath and say " you got this" in my head.

if i dont follow any of these things i dont do every good on the comp floor ..
learned that the hard way !
I spray on the same perfume for every comp (not sure what i'm going to do when i run out)
I have to be one of the last people to go on the mat or it throws me totally out of whack
Hair needs to be off my face
I fix my shoelaces several times
I have to wear brand new socks
...and panties
I have to wear double sports bra's ("gifted" backspot, nuf said)
I have to have a red bull in my bag, if i have a blood sugar crash and need a boost
I have to shave my legs the night before
I have to have perfect hair, so no one else gets to do it. Otherwise i will suck and be unfeirce.
I have to have grapes for snack.
so before i came to my program i wasnt superstitious at all. But my coach was VERY superstitious... we couldnt split poles, something had to go wrong in warmups(like someone had to not stick their stunt or someone had to mess up her tumbling), and he had to hug each and everyone of us right before we went on:P but i have some superstitions now thanks to my coaches and teammates: i have day 1 and day 2 underwear, when i get out on the floor and im set i have to jump up and down twice and shimmy for a few seconds, and right before the music starts i say to myself "i can do this" and then i look up into the lights with a huge smile(: and if i dont do any of this im completely convinced not only will my stuff not be perfect but something else will go terribly wrong:/
I am soooo superstitious. No one else in my program really is.. have to..:
1. Listen to my playlist in the same order while getting ready.
2. Put my uniform on the same way.
3. I have to wear the same socks to every competition without washing unless we lose.<--gross I know :x
4. I have to take a picture with my best friend Morgan after we are ready since we go to alll the competitions together... and we have to be in the same position we are always in!
5. I have to listen to my "cheer comp" playlist on the way to the venue.
7. I have to stretch in the same order.
8. I have to hug my mom before warm ups.
9. I lead my team out with Morgan and Peyton! & do our handshake
10. After the routine I have to find Morgan!

Thats about it and if I forget something, I am paranoid the rest of the day! :x
1. I wear the same hair ties all season
2. I wear the same spandex and sports bra
3. I have my lucky socks in my backpack
4. I do the same handshakes in the same order (one time I was crossing over for a competition that y normal team didn't go to and I stood in the corner doing all my handshakes by myself, every single one.)
5. I never warm-up my running tumbling, only my standing tuck and sometimes a hand hand layout
6. I wear the same sweat pants and t-shirt to the comp
7. My team lines up in two lines every time we do our routine, even at practice, and we are always in the same spot
8. We sign our team song before warm-ups and before we go on
9. I keep all my good luck charms in my bag

I think that's about it, I might have forgotten a few that I don't really remember doing. I have to do everything and I can't change any of it other wise I get nervous. The first time I competed with my orthotics, however, was at nationals this year, which is weird because I ask myself everyday why I was so dumb and risked changing my normal routine.

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