I agree with this.
They shouldn't be, but so often are. Stage parents have existed most likely since the beginning of celebrity ...
After reading this entire thread, I've been thinking the same thing. Stage parents have existed forever. They have seminars/events as well, that provide tips for exposure, getting booked, auditions, social media, marketing etc. I have seen children with booking info in their bio's who model, appear in commercials, act, and so on.
I assumed it was normal American culture. I see it more often outside of cheer. Parent thinks their kid has talent, creates IG, YouTube Channel, whatever else.. & ultimately "markets" the child.
I am not saying I'm for it or against it.
There is a cheer world and there is the real world. Why wouldn't the "cheerlebrity" process be as acceptable as the process is in the real world. It seems likely that a lot of children you see on TV or kid celebrities got to this point because of their parents.
Again, I have no real opinion towards this, but I do know a decent amount of children who are into performing arts and have the same tactics. Technological advancement is likely what triggered most of it. Its way easier to share content, expose yourself, gain viewers (followers). Im not sure about everyone else, but I personally view cheer as a separate world. None of the non-cheer people in my life know the names of any "cheerlebrity" or anything related, nor do they care. So if this is what people in the cheer world want to do, knock yourself out. I promise you there are people in the real world doing the same thing.
I am 21 with no children, but if and when I have children I probably wont care about what other people are doing with theirs. I have a very old/traditional soul, so I will probably encourage my children to take the school/career route.
I just wanted to point out that this is not just a "cheerleb" thing, if anything, cheer is tardy to the party.