I was very pleased with the sportsmanship, however, I know there are incidents out there. I hate to say it but, I think the kids are better at letting things roll off their shoulders than the parents with scoring. The kids are fine until they hear their parents talk about "confusing scoring", "biased judges", "sandbagging", etc. I know a few of our parents made comments in our parent room about a gym who has "sandbagged" a Jr. lvl 2 team for the past few years. I hope it was not our gym, our owners would be very upset along with the 99.5% of parents. What some parents have decided is "sandbagging", is actually an allowance so small gyms can build teams from a small number of kids. Agree or disagree, it is not illegal. Cp is at a large gym and often it is new parents that don't understand the logic of the rules. My feelings are, until they change the rules it doesn't help your child or their team to harp about it. The rules on team tumbling and ages changed slightly last year to help accomodate some of the issues people had concerning "sandbagging".
If you noticed a particular gym that had horrible sportsmanship, I would email the owner, I know ours would want the opportunity to address the issue.