This is from an expert in human trafficking. Please read the article and inform yourselves of what to really watch for in human trafficking.
"I have never seen, read or heard about a real sex-trafficking situation in which a child was abducted by traffickers in broad daylight at a busy store under a mother's watchful eye. It's just not the way it works.
Traffickers tend to coerce their victims because hauling them off is too risky. Their tactics generally aren't the kind that leave physical bruises. Victims are recruited, manipulated, made dependent. The psychological and emotional ties they establish are highly effective. Trafficked children are unlikely to attempt escape.They often won't snitch on their traffickers even if law enforcement approaches them..................
And while child sex trafficking can happen to anyone, children of color, children with a past history of sex abuse, children who come from broken or unstable homes, children who face poverty, and children with disabilities are especially vulnerable...................
If you want to protect your children, listen to the messages of those who know this crime best. Pay attention to statistical reports, seek out the interest groups who are working on this issue, look at the evidence presented by survivors. Don't let the understandable sympathy engendered by a scary story blind you to what sex trafficking is really about."
Why a mom's Facebook warning about human traffickers hurts sex-trafficked kids