Having closed practices will make it alot less intense for you. Our practices are open, but they do close them around choreography time and a few weeks before the first comp. I have carpool drivers, so I am never there for an entire practice. Just dropping or picking up. So, I have yet to see a practice in full, and it actually makes it better for me as the parent. Because .... when a parent is there, the entire time you're wondering so many things .... why is my kid in back, why is that kid flying, why isn't my kid doing running tumbling, they look like their struggling, that kid shouldn't be on that team, listening to other parents complain, complain, complain, etc...... (you get the idea). When you are not there, you have no idea what is happening, but you have to put your faith and trust in the coaches, that by comp time, everything will be perfection. I had a mother tell me one time that her most memorable moment was the 1st time she saw her daughters routine was at their 1st comp, and she bawled like a baby, because she couldn't believe how great they looked. If you trust your gym and their coaches, everything will be just fine. And less stressful for you!