All-Star Cmt Cheerleading Reality Show

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Have you read the Dance Mom's thread? There are people who know Abby Lee and the mothers, her actions they show on TV are exactly how she acts when the cameras aren't around. As for her tarnishing dancing, she has been banned from competitions and her DMA membership was taken away because of the show. Competitions refuse to let her film there because of how it has reflected dance.

People involved in cheer will probably love the show, but if we want respect (isn't that what people get so upset about not getting?) then shows like that are NOT helping. Mothers are going to see her calling athletes the B-word and think "oh my". If you want respect a reality TV show that shows clips of coaches talking like that is not going to help gain that from the outside world.

The highly discussed "B" word was in an episode of a different show with a different production team on a different network with a different demographic.

This show is going to air on Country Music Television, folks. If you visit their website and take a look at their shows, it's evident the bigwigs don't want another "Jersey Cheer," which by the way, aired on Lifetime ONCE over a year ago.

And not for nothing, as strict and intense as Abby Lee might come across, I feel like the out of control, scheming stage moms make dance look trashier than she does. That's why it's called "Dance MOMS," not just "Dance." I don't agree with her dance pyramid, her win at all costs attitude, and the way she fights with parents, so I guess that's why she lost her DMA membership.

The CJA parents are neither out of control (albeit loud) or trashy because Patty Ann would not allow it, and their involvement on the show will be limited, harmless fun like it was in Jersey Cheer. CJA wins and loses with grace, so you won't see the cheerleaders or the coaches acting like sore losers or cocky winners. Finally, Patty Ann LOVES her cheerleaders, so despite her polarizing personality, you will see her and the three other senior coaches laugh with them, cry with them, lose with them, and win with them.
It is Jersey Cheer, Lifetime didn't pick it up after the 1 episode so CMT picked it up.
I personally am not going to watch it because I have seen what happens when a reality show enters something like cheer. Dance Moms is nothing but drama, Toddler and Tiaras make pagents look awful, and even the Dallas Cowboys show makes it look like beauty is everything. I am afraid editing will turn Patty Ann into Abby Lee.
I would kind of like to see that other gyms are not 'ideal' and how they have their drama too but I agree, the editing can make it look like something totally different!!
I think people want to watch reality shows for the shock factor. If we really want people to look at the sport without all of the drama that reality shows have then it needs to be a Dateline or 20/20 type of show or some other show looked at as serious journalism but sorry to say I don't think it will be watched as much. The way coaches can talk to the kids, to an outsider would be mortifying but the kids who have been in the sport and grown in it (especially if they are a level 5 athlete) use it to motivate themselves. I have never seen or heard coaches for levels 1-4 talking that way to their athletes (maybe Senior 4 teams) but things change when you get to level 5.
Oh, jeez. Just reading this thread makes me laugh at how naive some of you are. Will Jersey Cheer be as bad as Dance Moms? No, probably not even close to that amount of drama. BUT, acting like it's gonna be some "Remember the Titans" or "Coach Carter" storyline every week is setting yourself up for disappointment. There will most likely be some questionable drama on this show that might make any of us familiar with the cheer industry cringe at how it's portrayed. I don't believe for a second that there is not at least one crazy-a** mom on that team that will do just about anything to get her daughter a spot as last pass/center flyer/etc. I'm not saying that they're going to ruin their reputation in the cheer industry, but you guys are just flat out lying if your saying any gym runs so smoothly that it's always sunshine and rainbows 24/7. There is drama in any sport that involves athletes willing to do just about anything to receive a spot on the most prestigious team.
While we may have no control over the editing process, any way you twist it Central Jersey is built on respect and integrity, from the coaches to the athletes to the parents... Why don't we all just wait for it to air before we discuss how it will portray our sport. Because until then it is all speculation anyway...
First off, Jersey Cheer is not the title anymore. Lifetime owns the rights to it...CMT's show is "Cheer."

Second, very few gyms, including CJA, have hundreds of level 5 athletes vying for 20 spots on one team. While the gym has expanded and grown, they've made a name for themselves as a level 5 team because of the coaching staff and choreographers, not because they have tumbling up the wazoo. The girls on the team deserve to be there and the ones who aren't understand why they're not. Sorry to bore you, but there wont be any girls fighting for one of the 20 spots or any moms pulling a Tonya Harding on one of the girls :)

No one is trying to say that this will be the next inspirational masterpiece to grace the TV screen. Trust me, no gym, including CJA, is all sunshine and rainbows and there will be drama along the way that should be expected at this level of competition. But the drama will not be nearly as exentensive or trashy as it is on Dance Moms simply because parents are not allowed to sit and watch practices and they know they would be removed from the program if they acted like some of those other dance moms, and all it would take is a simple, non-dramatic phone call asking you to not return.

Oh, jeez. Just reading this thread makes me laugh at how naive some of you are. Will Jersey Cheer be as bad as Dance Moms? No, probably not even close to that amount of drama. BUT, acting like it's gonna be some "Remember the Titans" or "Coach Carter" storyline every week is setting yourself up for disappointment. There will most likely be some questionable drama on this show that might make any of us familiar with the cheer industry cringe at how it's portrayed. I don't believe for a second that there is not at least one crazy-a** mom on that team that will do just about anything to get her daughter a spot as last pass/center flyer/etc. I'm not saying that they're going to ruin their reputation in the cheer industry, but you guys are just flat out lying if your saying any gym runs so smoothly that it's always sunshine and rainbows 24/7. There is drama in any sport that involves athletes willing to do just about anything to receive a spot on the most prestigious team.
I am making no prediction on how it will portray the sport, just to set the record straight. Just giving my opinion on the B word used. I'll watch it and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed watching the first 2 episodes.

Patty Ann also reminds me of another gym owner that I respect and love with the emotion for her kids that comes across as genuine and heartfelt on those episodes!!!
oh god, that video is awful.
as much as I want a cheer show, simply just because it'd be entertaining and relatable, Im afraid it will portray our sport in a way that we'll only get angry about.
I'm iffy on the B word. There is a community I work with down here called "Travellers" and they frequently refer to females (especially female children as the B word). I had one dad express that he was so happy to finally have a son because his house is already full of "b****es". I had to do a double take but after 4 years it doesn't phase me anymore. We were watching "Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" and it showed a group of kids playing and the baby (a girl) took another child's toy and the child looked at the baby and said "your a bad b****" my dh about fell over.
I don't know if I would want my cp's coach calling her that though. Luckily there is no name calling where we're at. They may yell at the kids but I've never heard them call them anything but "girls" or being compared to various grades of
While I agree with what everyone is saying about the reality shows and the shock factor and the language, I still love to see how much love this coach has for her team...even if the love is tough sometimes. It appears (I know I'm only allowed to see what the show lets me see) that the kids and the parents know her intent and are okay with it. I guess if there are those who don't like her methods, there are other gyms around that they can go to. I really appreciate this coach's dedication and genuine love for the kids. That's the way it comes across to me anyway...
It is Jersey Cheer, Lifetime didn't pick it up after the 1 episode so CMT picked it up.
I personally am not going to watch it because I have seen what happens when a reality show enters something like cheer. Dance Moms is nothing but drama, Toddler and Tiaras make pagents look awful, and even the Dallas Cowboys show makes it look like beauty is everything. I am afraid editing will turn Patty Ann into Abby Lee.
I have hopes that it will be ok. Lifetime did Cheer Nation following Dunbar HS years ago and I thought that show was good and not drama filled. Not always accurate though! You could watch and see where they edited to make things that were months apart look like they happened at the same time.
Dance moms was suppose to be positive and you see how that turned out....
I don't know. I think anything aiming at the mothers is asking for trouble. It gives me hope that this is about the girls and coaches, no moms involved!
I don't know. I think anything aiming at the mothers is asking for trouble. It gives me hope that this is about the girls and coaches, no moms involved!

Couldn't agree more. The moms need to stay out of it.
just gonna add my two cents in here for those of you saying anything positive will be cut out clearly you didnt watch the one episode where patty ann did that gym sleepover clearly ya'll did not see how much she LOVES her girls and how much respect they have for her, and this is coming from a girl who knew nothing about CJA i think the show is a great idea (for the most part) its being run by a reputable company with a good name for FAMILY programming (again for the most part) i mean look at what they did with cheerleader nation, i never heard anything bad come from that show maybe because my lack of interest at the time but regardless i think this will be a good way to show off what we as athletes do and work for every day we are in the gym so yeah thats my rant lol
just gonna add my two cents in here for those of you saying anything positive will be cut out clearly you didnt watch the one episode where patty ann did that gym sleepover clearly ya'll did not see how much she LOVES her girls and how much respect they have for her, and this is coming from a girl who knew nothing about CJA i think the show is a great idea (for the most part) its being run by a reputable company with a good name for FAMILY programming (again for the most part) i mean look at what they did with cheerleader nation, i never heard anything bad come from that show maybe because my lack of interest at the time but regardless i think this will be a good way to show off what we as athletes do and work for every day we are in the gym so yeah thats my rant lol
Lifetime did Jersey Cheer, Dance Moms, and Cheerleader Nation. CMT is doing "Cheer"