Actually, CMT just informed CJA that they will no longer follow CJA working hard at practice and competing at prestigious competitions. They changed the name of the show to "Cheer B*#tches and their Mommas" and through the wonders of modern videography and editing, it will now document the girls bullying others, partying on the weekends, and stealing their parents' credit cards. Patty Ann and her staff will coach via satellite from a padded cell, and the season finale will involve the parents blowing up the Jostens Center and Milk House as they chant "CJA, CJA, CJA!"
Ugh, CJA is furious but there's nothing they can do now because the footage has been shot :(
PS -- I figured I'd add some levity to a very serious thread about a show that won't be airing for another five months.