So I have been reading this thread, and the others before it, since they started. Quite interesting to see everyone's take on it. Also, I have not watched the segments. But here's my take, as short and as sweet as I can make it.
Maddie Gardner, you're an awesome, amazing young lady. Your light shines bright, don't ever let anyone take it away from you.
The rest of senior elite, every one of you are amazing young ladies. Your talent is unmistakable and you should be so proud of being incredible athletes!
Fierceboard fans, you're an amazing group of people. I truly enjoy that we live in a country where I can hear each of your views, even if I don't like them or agree with them.
CNN, while I hate you for being "bought and paid for" media that never gives me true unbiased news anymore, I thank you for highlighting a SPORT that my entire family loves and hopes will only continue to grow as a SPORT as more regular folks learn about us.
In closing, I'm going to get a bit sentimental. I'm not the oldest guy on the boards, but I remember a time when life was more simple. I remember a time when speaking your mind meant thinking first. When blurting out the first thing that popped into your head that was based purely on emotion was imprudent. I remember a time when parents instilled this in their children. A time when children were taught to be mindful of their words and their delivery. When children were taught that their words could be more powerful than the sharpest of swords. That these words could cut deep, and therefore it was true wisdom to listen twice as much as you spoke. I remember a day when technology did not give us the false sense that it was ok to quickly and senselessly trash another human being without carefully considering our point of view first and the damage it's delivery might cause. I remember a wise person once saying to allow only what is good for lifting others up to come forth from your lips. Constructive criticism is only constructive if it is delivered in a responsible, caring and sensitive fashion.
I fear for the future of our nation. Freedom of speech has always been a god given right, but so has introspection. Freedom to think has been around since the dawn of time, but so has courtesy, respect and integrity. Seems to me that with each passing day that we get "connected" to each other more through technology, we move further away from the most important connection, the connection that comes when you look another human being in the eye and understand that each word that comes from your lips can affect the very spirit of the eyes returning your gaze.
Proverbs 3:21-22
My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.
Proverbs 10:14
The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.