I am not 100% sure of her age, really you can attend HS up until your 21 but I am sure she isn't 21. She was a senior in HS last year so she may have been 18yrs at the most? He is in his mid to late 20's. He just left his wife a month ago. But for those of you that think it's okay, their are a ton of 18yr old seniors in High School, does that mean it's okay for their teachers to date them or vice versa? Where my husband works he and I couldn't even had dated if I was his secretary or worked under him. I don't know if her parents knew, it's a small town and I am sure they knew. I don't think her parents where ever at the gym or even the comps? Being that she is 10yrs older then my cp and on a different team I never really saw her to know her. From what I understand the gym owners did confront him but he denied it all. Also I believe it's against the law for employers to say bad things about whom they employee? Other people tried to tell her she was making a mistake. This is coaches 2nd affair. His 1st was years ago, with another coach (he was single and she married a child was created from this). That gym owner closed up shop and moved away. So what ever, life moves on all is forgiven that ended and people do make mistakes. But what about the 2nd time (this time around) are "Hoe" coaches okay? The new owner was more then willing to let him stay with some limits (he is not to be their after a certion time, basically trying to make it so he would never be their by himself). He left for the other gym before our season was over. It's sort of a bittersweet, the old and new owners didn't want him but we are a cheer gym with out a coach and who wants to drop everything to come to a tiny gym. Anyway, his ex-wife may have told the new gym all of this, but then she won't get any child support if he doesn't work either. At the end I guess as a parent you have no idea what kind of history your coaches have?