Only strip clubs honestly. So many guys and military guys under 21 that's the only type of environment that can really make money and be dry.
Not sure about the cigs..but I do know Alaska has the highest suicide rate, divorce rate, drug and alcohol addiction, and forcible rape rates out of all the other 49 states. When I lived there (1996-2000) and I was shocked to find out they still do. They've "hovered" back and forth between the top three states in these numbers depending on whose stats you're viewing, but per capita they have the highest out of all of these. :(
Forcible Rapes and Sexual Assaults in Anchorage
Highest Divorce Rates By State: New Data From 'Marital Events Of Americans: 2009' Report
*I've found better statistics than these (last year I believe I found them for one of my online health classes), but you get the gist. You can search "Alaska drug abuse stats" or "Alaska crime stats", "Alaska divorce stats", etc. and find similar info. I believe they have (and have had) one of the higher rates of young adults using tobacco as well and it's a way to attempt to circumvent the staggering numbers. I remember when I moved there in 1996 that cigarettes were like 30bucks a carton (17 years ago) and that's roughly the cost they still are here in NC. At the time (1996) in NC a carton went for 10-12 bucks. Since I live in Greensboro, NC and Lorillard is here and we're right next to Winston-Salem (RJR tobacco company) I just remember thinking it was crazy that they would spend that much money on cigarettes (not to mention being in enclosed areas bc it's subzero outside :eek:)
But they've always been ahead of the curve when it came to things like not allowing smoking in restaurants for example though (that was nice). They allowed in in clubs/bars, but that was it. I remember being the most shocked about the drinking thing though- those are some tough laws.
*Apparently I can't post all the links at once- maybe the server thinks I'm spamming, IDK so I'll have to break them up