OT Colleges :)

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Quick question for you guys- did any of you apply to any schools that didn't have your major? I know a lot of people talk about how college kids switch their majors and whatnot...so is it worth it to apply to schools that don't have the major you want? And if yes, how many?

I applied to one school that didn't have my exact major, but something that was moderately similar. I didn't go to that school. I never changed my major during college...neither did any of my friends which isn't the norm (but to me its normal)....However they did study things that weren't to their undergrad in grad school (art to zoology, print journalism o public history)...I went from broadcast journalism to library science for grad school. I picked broadcast in 8th grade and library science when I was 7.

Anyway, there is no harm in applying to a college that doesn't have your major, but really consider whether or not you should go there but not everyone is a major switcher.
Quick question for you guys- did any of you apply to any schools that didn't have your major? I know a lot of people talk about how college kids switch their majors and whatnot...so is it worth it to apply to schools that don't have the major you want? And if yes, how many?
How's your search goingg? Have you been to Endicott yet?! (:
It's going good :) And I scheduled the tour for the weekend before Labor day :) How about you?
So stressful. Senior stuff sucks. hahaha. I'm pretty much only considering two of the schools I've visited, Endicott being one of them. I've got two visits scheduled for next week too.
guysss i'm getting stressed. i've only visited one college. ughh. i haven't applied anywhere either.
Quick question for you guys- did any of you apply to any schools that didn't have your major? I know a lot of people talk about how college kids switch their majors and whatnot...so is it worth it to apply to schools that don't have the major you want? And if yes, how many?

well, i have the world's most standard majors- psychology and english. so i didn't have this problem. but a few of my friends did and they ended up applying to schools and declaring a major similar to the one they had planned on.

i wouldn't rule any schools out just because they don't have that major. though it will force you to choose something different, you may end up becoming interested in something that you didn't even know about!
guysss i'm getting stressed. i've only visited one college. ughh. i haven't applied anywhere either.

well, i won't say "don't stress, you have plenty of time," because in reality, the application dates are creeping up! however, take it easy and don't let yourself become overwhelmed by the college process. start planning 1 day a week dedicated to a college visit and/or college research and applications. it may interfere with your social plans a bit, but college visits and proper preparation is crucial. talk to your parents, get them on board and see if they'll take you to see at 1 college every weekend. and if you visit one you like, go back home, research it, check out the application and get started on it! good luck!
guysss i'm getting stressed. i've only visited one college. ughh. i haven't applied anywhere either.
I was pretty adamant about going out of state, and when I was doing applications I hadn't seen the campuses of 3 of the 5 schools I applied to. I waited to see which I got accepted to (which ended up being all of them) and then scheduled campus tours.I loved all the colleges I applied to when I saw them in person, but haven't regretted my final decision yet. I love the college I'm going to be attending and can't wait to start!

Now for the counter, my cousin just returned from a tour of 15 different schools in the eastern US with her parents. She went to schools that didn't have her program (pharmacy), that were WAY out of her price range, etc. I am still trying to determine why that week long trip was at all necessary. Especially since she didn't set up tours with the colleges, she just went and walked around campus. It was the middle of summer, so it was nothing like what the college actually feels like, she couldn't learn about what makes USC unique from Bama or UGA, no dorm room tours, etc. So when she decides which 5 or 6 schools she wants to apply to, she will then have to go BACK to the campus and get actual tours. I don't know, unless you are literally CLUELESS, and have absolutely no direction about what you want from a college, I don't see why going and touring tons of campuses is necessary in the slightest bit.

The point of this lengthy post is that I think if people use their resources (princetonreview, collegeboard, studentreviews, the college's official website, etc.), you will be able to determine whether it's something to waste time, gas, and money to seriously consider. Looking at college campuses seemed way overrated once I actually did it. I think the tours the employees/students take you on are what really matters. And if you're desperately confused about which college to choose, always go with the cheaper one. You'll thank yourself when you graduate with less debt.
I was pretty adamant about going out of state, and when I was doing applications I hadn't seen the campuses of 3 of the 5 schools I applied to. I waited to see which I got accepted to (which ended up being all of them) and then scheduled campus tours.I loved all the colleges I applied to when I saw them in person, but haven't regretted my final decision yet. I love the college I'm going to be attending and can't wait to start!

Now for the counter, my cousin just returned from a tour of 15 different schools in the eastern US with her parents. She went to schools that didn't have her program (pharmacy), that were WAY out of her price range, etc. I am still trying to determine why that week long trip was at all necessary. Especially since she didn't set up tours with the colleges, she just went and walked around campus. It was the middle of summer, so it was nothing like what the college actually feels like, she couldn't learn about what makes USC unique from Bama or UGA, no dorm room tours, etc. So when she decides which 5 or 6 schools she wants to apply to, she will then have to go BACK to the campus and get actual tours. I don't know, unless you are literally CLUELESS, and have absolutely no direction about what you want from a college, I don't see why going and touring tons of campuses is necessary in the slightest bit.

The point of this lengthy post is that I think if people use their resources (princetonreview, collegeboard, studentreviews, the college's official website, etc.), you will be able to determine whether it's something to waste time, gas, and money to seriously consider. Looking at college campuses seemed way overrated once I actually did it. I think the tours the employees/students take you on are what really matters. And if you're desperately confused about which college to choose, always go with the cheaper one. You'll thank yourself when you graduate with less debt.

I've toured a few schools this summer and before we went in to start the tour, my parents and I just drove around the campus. Just through the 5 or 10 minutes looking at the campuses, I kind of had an idea of what I thought about it.

But I will say that she definitely needs to be touring them! One school I went to (which I am not considering at all) houses probably 90% of their academic classrooms, the cafeteria, and auditorium all in one building. Soo pretty much it's like a giant high school with separate buildings for the student center, library, and student housing. I never would have known that without doing the tour.
Quick question for you guys- did any of you apply to any schools that didn't have your major? I know a lot of people talk about how college kids switch their majors and whatnot...so is it worth it to apply to schools that don't have the major you want? And if yes, how many?

well, seeing as I changed my major and transferred after two years from a big state school to a smaller more concentrated school. i would say yes. I think I posted about this already, but I lost TWENTY credits in my transfer process. that's more than a whole semester. and another FIFTEEN of my credits only went to electives. there's another full semester. I busted my butt this summer taking 15 credits in six weeks to try to catch up. I'm also taking 18 this fall. and I'm still somewhat behind (although, that's in part to the school changing the major requirements). If you look into a school without your actual major, be smart about it and really focus on general, intro type classes until you decide (they transfer easier than some specific courses). because if you end up not wanting to change, you're going to kick yourself in the butt sophomore/junior year when you decide to transfer.

legit, i saved 545.31 JUST for this semester. buying my books from the school bookstore would have cost almost $1000 (probably over once tax would have been included.....). Yes, I needed a lot of books, but they will save you a fortune in the long run. I promise.
well, seeing as I changed my major and transferred after two years from a big state school to a smaller more concentrated school. i would say yes. I think I posted about this already, but I lost TWENTY credits in my transfer process. that's more than a whole semester. and another FIFTEEN of my credits only went to electives. there's another full semester. I busted my butt this summer taking 15 credits in six weeks to try to catch up. I'm also taking 18 this fall. and I'm still somewhat behind (although, that's in part to the school changing the major requirements). If you look into a school without your actual major, be smart about it and really focus on general, intro type classes until you decide (they transfer easier than some specific courses). because if you end up not wanting to change, you're going to kick yourself in the butt sophomore/junior year when you decide to transfer.

AMEN! I transfered after my first year and only 13 credits transfered and I had taken a total of 30. It put me behind a semester which sucked big time. Then on top of that it often takes 5 years to complete college, so it took me 5 years plus 2 rounds of summer classes to finish. Because I finished in the summer I now have to wait until Decemeber if I want to participate in graduation. Transfering threw my education into a tailspin (they messed up my transfer credits) for a while and it took a good year at my new school to get it all worked out. So beware of transfering. Sometimes it can be easy, but it can also cost you lots of money.


legit, i saved 545.31 JUST for this semester. buying my books from the school bookstore would have cost almost $1000 (probably over once tax would have been included.....). Yes, I needed a lot of books, but they will save you a fortune in the long run. I promise.

Also even though you buy them from amazon you can still sell them back to your bookstore if you don't want the hassle of selling them back on amazon. I went with amazon for almost all of my books a few years ago and have saved a ton over the years because of it.

guysss i'm getting stressed. i've only visited one college. ughh. i haven't applied anywhere either.

Wait, did you graduate this year? If so then I would be stressed seeing as how colleges start in the next few weeks. If you are just now a senior don't be too stressed because you have plenty of time to apply and visit schools.

legit, i saved 545.31 JUST for this semester. buying my books from the school bookstore would have cost almost $1000 (probably over once tax would have been included.....). Yes, I needed a lot of books, but they will save you a fortune in the long run. I promise.

Yup, one semester I bought all of my books on half.com. 5 classes. $100. When December rolled around, I had $250 or $300 after selling them back to the campus Bookstore to spend on Christmas presents. Now thats what I call winning.
Wait, did you graduate this year? If so then I would be stressed seeing as how colleges start in the next few weeks. If you are just now a senior don't be too stressed because you have plenty of time to apply and visit schools.

just now a senior.
if i already graduated, I WOULD BE CRAZY.

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