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If anything, it will 99.9% of the time count for at least an elective. That is 3 hours down out of 90 for your degree. Bonus points if it counts towards your degree requirements.

Say you wanted to major in Finance at Mizzou (picked at random a degree for this)
You look at the class outline they recommend for that major: Finance and Banking | Trulaske College of Business

Then say you took Math_____ at ____ Univ previously though (Calc ;). You look at what the transfer credit would count as for Mizzou (click potential transfer student, then a university & it will show you classes from that univ on left, and what it counts for at Mizzou on right) : An error has occurred.

and then see if it matched anything in the degree plan (1st link). If not, it will prob just transfer over as an elective.

The more electives or classes you can get out of the way senior year, the better. It is so much nicer taking just 12 hrs rather than the suggested 15 (aka 4 vs 5 classes in one semester). Also, don't worry about being the only HS kid in a college class. You are still the same age as them essentially (give or take 1-2 years), and no one cares in college. Just keep it on the DL that you aren't just a commuter student haha& keep the HS spirit clothing at home.... you will be fine. Many times you don't even know who is in your class anyways.
So you mean I shouldn't wear my cheer uniform to my college class on game days? :cool:
Thanks! It looks like I'm going to get a lot of credit hours out of the way from all my AP classes (like, at least a semester's worth) plus Calc 3 if I take it so that's good!
I got accepted in to my dream school, the University of Alabama as a nursing (well, pre-nursing) major. Hoping that some scholarships can help my dream come true, the out of state cost of over 40,000 is just way too crazy. So stressed out...

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I got accepted in to my dream school, the University of Alabama as a nursing (well, pre-nursing) major. Hoping that some scholarships can help my dream come true, the out of state cost of over 40,000 is just way too crazy. So stressed out...

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Congrats! Great school!

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My school is a more UCA style and a girl who had been on my team (she transferred at semester) was on NCA staff. She got another girl to tryout for NCA this year (she hasn't heard back yet lol). I guess it's not that odd! The only exception was that she ALWAYS hated on UCA when we talked cheer when we were just hanging out, and I just tried out for UCA staff so that was kind of awkward.

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Thank you! I'm just undecided because I really like both styles of cheer and my all-star gym is more UCA and so is FSU, and UM is NCA so ugh, so undecided :p
I got accepted in to my dream school, the University of Alabama as a nursing (well, pre-nursing) major. Hoping that some scholarships can help my dream come true, the out of state cost of over 40,000 is just way too crazy. So stressed out...

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I'm going to Alabama too!! Unfortunately, I dont have the grades to get a scholarship so I'll pretty much be paying the 40,000. Hello student loans!
I'm going to Alabama too!! Unfortunately, I dont have the grades to get a scholarship so I'll pretty much be paying the 40,000. Hello student loans!
Make sure you look into how much you can actually get. There is a limit per year and any other loans are based on your parents' credit.

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The school itself is fine it's just the fact that a) They don't have my major (only as a concentration here). b) The classes are too easy for me. I want to challenge myself more. and c) I didn't want to apply here in the first place. It was my mom's idea and I went with it thinking "Oh, if I go for a while I'll start to like it more." However, that backfired and I hate it more. Also, the type of people and their mentality aren't really like mine. This school is really laid back and party every night type atmosphere. I don't like to party so I don't really fit in at this party school.

Ohh okay that's actually really helpful because the school I'm at now doesn't have a reputation as a party school which is why I chose it but that's all people seem to do. Like everyone is really really smart and studies a lot but it's in the middle of nowhere so there is literally nothing for me to do on weekends because partying isn't appealing to me at all...
(Sorry for the double post)

I'd say its hit or miss. Two of my best friends I've made in my hall found each other on our class's Facebook page and they are good friends now. On the other hand, the girls across the hall from me did random selection and the one was really nice and always wanted to have fun and the other was so creepy and didn't want the other girl to put up any type of decorations or anything colorful so their room literally looked like a prison cell. They requested a roommate switch and luckily two girls with a very similar situation from the other end of our hall had requested one as well. But they requested it in like September ish and it didn't get processed for them to make the move until the end of November. But those are the only roommate issues that we've really had in our hall.

My roommate is my best friend from high school and we're still best friends after the first semester! We don't hate each other or anything like that haha. The problem is she sits on her bed watching netflix all day and facetiming her boyfriend who lives at home and we are 5 hours away. So she hasn't made any friends and gets really upset (like calling her mom and crying upset) whenever I do something with girls in our hall that she hasn't even attempted to get to know. We do hang out and everything and she will come with us sometimes to dinner or something but its awkward because they don't all really know each other so I'm left trying to keep everyone feeling included. And I was asked by three other girls in my hall to be in a quad with them next year which I plan to do but my roommate will literally have no one to even ask to room with her because she has yet to meet anyone. So I'd say don't stress too much about the roommate situation because you CAN always switch but also make sure you make friends on your own outside of your roomie.

Sorry for the novel!
The random selection is what freaks me out the most. There isn't a Facebook page yet for my class but there are girls that signed up for Roomsurf, which looks pretty safe to me. I'm also hoping to hit it off with someone at cheer tryouts or orientation. I'm hoping that cheering will help me with the whole making friends thing, plus I have guy friends that plan on attending so I'll at least have someone I know.

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I'm going to Alabama too!! Unfortunately, I dont have the grades to get a scholarship so I'll pretty much be paying the 40,000. Hello student loans!

No way, girl! Ahhhh so awesome to meet another person in the same position as me! My SAT score didn't make the the scholarship cut off either, but I filled out the scholarship application in hopes to even get just a little something somehow? I NEED to go to bama! Hahaha. Im sayin' a big 'ol hello to student loans as well!

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Ohh okay that's actually really helpful because the school I'm at now doesn't have a reputation as a party school which is why I chose it but that's all people seem to do. Like everyone is really really smart and studies a lot but it's in the middle of nowhere so there is literally nothing for me to do on weekends because partying isn't appealing to me at all...
Yahh.. I don't like going out every single night...
The random selection is what freaks me out the most. There isn't a Facebook page yet for my class but there are girls that signed up for Roomsurf, which looks pretty safe to me. I'm also hoping to hit it off with someone at cheer tryouts or orientation. I'm hoping that cheering will help me with the whole making friends thing, plus I have guy friends that plan on attending so I'll at least have someone I know.
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I know girls at my school that found their roommates using Roomsurf. I talked to a few people on it but never went through with signing a housing agreement. However, I did make good friends with one of the girls I talked to on there :)
Ohh okay that's actually really helpful because the school I'm at now doesn't have a reputation as a party school which is why I chose it but that's all people seem to do. Like everyone is really really smart and studies a lot but it's in the middle of nowhere so there is literally nothing for me to do on weekends because partying isn't appealing to me at all...
I can definitely understand. I went to the school that's been ranked the #1 party school in the country for the last like 10+ years or so and I can probably count on my two hands the number of times I went out all 4 years. Our school was in the middle of nowhere also, but I think you just need to find the right people. Freshman year was tough as it seemed that everyone in my dorm went out every night while I stayed in, but then I met people who didn't want to go out every night and we had a blast just staying in watching movies, playing games, etc. It can be challenging and I wanted to leave after the first year, but I made some of my best friends at that school. (this isn't specifically to you, just kind of a general statement)
Okay fierceboarders, I need your help. And before any of you say anything like "make your own decision", hear me out. I've heard back from the schools I've applied to except for one which I don't plan on attending. Right now I'm between Towson University, and University of Massachusetts Amherst which I've recieved a scholarship from. I was dead set on Towson for a couple of reasons: big campus, nice dorms, has my major, and I could super senior at Maryland Twisters with the hopes of improving my skills for Towson's team the following year. I could also coach at twisters. I know alot of you are probably thinking I shouldn't choose a college based on cheer, but I am majoring in sport management with the hopes of working in the cheer industry, coaching, etc. So it's extremely important to me plus I'm not ready to give up all star cheer. The downside to Towson is that it doesn't have the best academics. When I recieved my acceptance to UMass, I was torn because of the scholarship. Unlike Towson, I could make the cheer team my freshman year. But if I wanted to super senior or coach, I'd have to drive an hour to either ECE, pro, or USA wildcats. Additionally, UMass is farther from home but it does have better academics. Sorry for the rant but I'm having so much anxiety over my choice. I'm not expecting anyone to tell me where to go, but any advice at all is welcome. Thanks everyone! I appreciate it

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As a parent with a junior in HS starting to look at colleges, I am going to say better academics + scholarship is a better choice. Especially if they have one of the best SM programs in the country and that is what you want to do with your life, then it should be a no-brainer. I understand that you are not ready to give up all-star cheer however your future career path coupled with less money owed in loans when you graduate should be the deciding factor. Plus if you can cheer for UMass, cheer will not entirely be out of your life. Good luck with your decision; I know it is not an easy one.
As a parent with a junior in HS starting to look at colleges, I am going to say better academics + scholarship is a better choice. Especially if they have one of the best SM programs in the country and that is what you want to do with your life, then it should be a no-brainer. I understand that you are not ready to give up all-star cheer however your future career path coupled with less money owed in loans when you graduate should be the deciding factor. Plus if you can cheer for UMass, cheer will not entirely be out of your life. Good luck with your decision; I know it is not an easy one.
Thank you so much!

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I can definitely understand. I went to the school that's been ranked the #1 party school in the country for the last like 10+ years or so and I can probably count on my two hands the number of times I went out all 4 years. Our school was in the middle of nowhere also, but I think you just need to find the right people. Freshman year was tough as it seemed that everyone in my dorm went out every night while I stayed in, but then I met people who didn't want to go out every night and we had a blast just staying in watching movies, playing games, etc. It can be challenging and I wanted to leave after the first year, but I made some of my best friends at that school. (this isn't specifically to you, just kind of a general statement)

I did get lucky in that my roommate doesn't go like going out either. So I know there's always someone to hang out with and my boyfriend isn't into it either. Some of my best friends that I've made in my hall will go out once in a while but they aren't completely addicted so it's like most of the time we just hang out in the dorms and go to dinner on campus and such. It probably helps that I'm in the pre-med dorm but there's still a surprising amount of people who go out literally Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. I'm like how on earth do you get good grades??