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Honestly random isn't the end of the world.

My sister met her freshman roommate on twitter and they thought they had so much in common. They ended up hating each other, the girl ended up being super slut....and she was uncouth, dirty and triflin

I met my freshman roommate via old fashioned pot luck. We were friends for 7 years until we had a falling out over wedding stuff.

My senior year roommate, met her freshman year roommate in an AOL chat room (it was 2003)....-and they ended up not getting along because she was an alcoholic slut.

In conclusion, roommates you find online turn out to be sluts.

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Ive missed you while i took my Fb break after worlds! LOL Glad to see you're still sharing the wisdom! LOL
HAHAHAHAAHAH you literally just made my night. This was the greatest "conclusion" of my life seriously. ily

well @HeresAThought basically summed up what i was going to say in a better way... but random roommates are not that bad. in my experience people in those FB school groups are trying too hard and sugarcoating everything about themselves to sound better than they probably are in real life. not that they're lying, per say, but just that they want to sound "cooler" whether that be by exaggerating that they're so smart and study all the time or that they only go out on the weekends and they're really drunk 24/7. like "OMG she looks like me and wears lilly pullitzer and jack rogers, SAME!" does not mean you'll be soul mates. trust me.

so while you may hate your random roommate the odds are about the same for hating your hand selected roommate. you'll be fine. seriously. my first random roommate was a recovering drug addict (took a bit of trust and whatnot before she shared that with me) and she was... scary... that first week of school. and then we bonded and she is quite possibly my best friend in the entire world. don't judge people right off the bat. keep an open mind and college will be 200% better.

good luck, have fun, and worst come to worst you'll find friends you really do love and you can spend most of your time in their room!
My roommate freshman year was random. She was nice. The only thing that really bothered me was that she would go to bed at 9 some nights and I would just be getting back from practice, so I'd have to study and get ready for bed in the dark. We weren't enemies but we weren't the best of friends either. We never fought, like at all, so we got along fine. I guess we were more like well known acquaintances than friends.
I love my roommate!! Totally random and we are best friends. I was super freaked out about a random tooo but it's not that bad.

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Honestly random isn't the end of the world.

My sister met her freshman roommate on twitter and they thought they had so much in common. They ended up hating each other, the girl ended up being super slut....and she was uncouth, dirty and triflin

I met my freshman roommate via old fashioned pot luck. We were friends for 7 years until we had a falling out over wedding stuff.

My senior year roommate, met her freshman year roommate in an AOL chat room (it was 2003)....-and they ended up not getting along because she was an alcoholic slut.

In conclusion, roommates you find online turn out to be sluts.

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I can second this. My old roommate and I met on my school's Facebook page. We clicked online and seemed to get along well. Get to school. Girl turns into a huge slut.
Thanks for input, y'all!! I've researched some more and did sign up for one of those room sync sites but they try to get you to pay so you can see profiles...so I think I might stick to random roommate and pray for the best!

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Soo, in Louisiana they do this thing called TOPS, where just by scoring a certain (not even impressive) score on the ACT, you're guaranteed a certain amount of money from the state for a certain amount of semesters, as long as you keep a decent gpa. I think the lowest level you receive funding from is a 21, and the highest is maybe a 27. Do other states do things like that too? From what I understand it really discourages kids from going out of state for school, but I was just curious.

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Soo, in Louisiana they do this thing called TOPS, where just by scoring a certain (not even impressive) score on the ACT, you're guaranteed a certain amount of money from the state for a certain amount of semesters, as long as you keep a decent gpa. I think the lowest level you receive funding from is a 21, and the highest is maybe a 27. Do other states do things like that too? From what I understand it really discourages kids from going out of state for school, but I was just curious.

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We have a thing called "bright flight" where you get a $1000 scholarship to in state schools for scoring in a certain percentage on the ACT. Last year the cutoff was a 31 but it varies by year. It didn't really encourage me to stay in state, since I still want to leave, but if I end up staying it will be nice. Plus there are other schools out of state that will give me more than $1000 :cool: (although the 50% tuition I get at mizzou is hard to beat)
Soo, in Louisiana they do this thing called TOPS, where just by scoring a certain (not even impressive) score on the ACT, you're guaranteed a certain amount of money from the state for a certain amount of semesters, as long as you keep a decent gpa. I think the lowest level you receive funding from is a 21, and the highest is maybe a 27. Do other states do things like that too? From what I understand it really discourages kids from going out of state for school, but I was just curious.

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Florida has Bright Futures scholarships, but you pretty much have a ton of requirements to do during your four years in high school, including keeping a 3.-something and 75 hours of community service.. I also think there are different levels for it but idk, I never did it (which I regret now) :oops:
West Virginia has this thing where if you get a certain GPA in high school (I wanna say a 3.0, idk I'm not from there just went to WVU) you get an in-state college tuition paid for completely.
We also have A+, which if you fulfill the requirements you get 2 years at an in state community college. You have to have a certain GPA, 95% attendance! attend the same school for 3 years, and do a bunch of tutoring.
We also have A+, which if you fulfill the requirements you get 2 years at an in state community college. You have to have a certain GPA, 95% attendance! attend the same school for 3 years, and do a bunch of tutoring.

You have to have 40 hours of unpaid tutoring, and I believe maintain a 2.5 GPA.

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Random question: In Canada (well Ontario at least), in order to graduate high school you have to do at least 40 hours of volunteer work...do you not have that requirement in the states?

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Random question: In Canada (well Ontario at least), in order to graduate high school you have to do at least 40 hours of volunteer work...do you not have that requirement in the states?

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I believe it just depends on the school district. In mine in Michigan we did not.

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