I understand why a person directly involved with this (which it seems you are) may get very defensive and may even feel quite heated toward anyone here discussing it. To clarify, I don't mind if you want to answer my couple of questions, and I appreciate any responses to my posts... But I didn't really expect specific answers, or demand them (that would be weird, haha). I'm really not "extremely curious" (nor should I be). It's a public cheerleading board, and cheerleading related issues are often interesting to people who like the sport. :p People will formulate opinions (sometimes posed in the form of questions :)), but nobody here seems to be demanding any answers. I know you tried to make it seem like my questions were silly because they've already been answered, but there really was no answer as to why both sides proceeded with this when it was stated by you that a contract was drawn up but never signed (making it "unofficial"). It's not really a silly question. But I completely understand why someone directly involved with either of these organizations would not want to answer this or maybe isn't in a position to do so. I wish all the people affected by this well, especially the kids.