Question for all you judges out there. Is there ever a situation where you go back to a score sheet for a team who perhaps preformed first in the division and rescore? ie. You gave them a middle of the range score and realize, after more teams preformed in the division, that they are better then you originally scored.
Otherwise how else can you give a team an accurate score if you are using "comparative" scoring when you have nothing to compare them to?
I hope that makes sense.
I'll talk to this, cos it made me so made when I was judging. When I judge, I always have in my mind where execution should fall appx. For example, you hit a lib but it's not strong, or the toe isn't at the knee, but it's not bad overall, you're gonna get a 6/7. Difficulty usually has a low/med/high rubric, so that's easier to place. I've always looked both at what the team does as well as how they did in comparison to other teams. That way, if I've scored team A too high or too low, other teams are judged the same.
One competition, I was arguing a score with my fellow panel judge. Our scores needed to be within 1 point, as coaches were complaining about high spreads from judge to judge. I gave a Team B a 4 on stunt execution, she gave them a 6. We both presented our reasoning, but she wouldn't budge. I finally said, "Who was cleaner, Team A or Team B?" She said Team A and I then asked her why she scored them lower than Team B. She got the point and made the score change. I was shocked that there were judges who didn't think about these things.
As for scores across competitions, I've often had my kids do so much better at a later competition, but score the same or lower than other competitions they've also competed in. It's all about the different panels of judges and what they're looking for. The ranking don't usually bother me, cos I find they're quite accurate, but it can be hard when the kids know they did better but receive a lower score. It's also hard on them as we use their previous scores to goal set for the next competition (ok, 6 on jump execution, let's push for 7-8 at the next one, etc.). Even if they do better, it's hard when that's not reflected, but that's part of being a judged sport.