Turns out that ACA had qualified the previous year to offer 3 bids this year if they chose. They had planned on giving just 2. (I don't know the reasoning there, but I assume they felt that the cost wasn't justified.). Monday night, they simply called USASF to confirm that the could still change their mind and give all of 3 of their allotted paid bids. The enrollment numbers from the previous year determine your max numbers of bids, but apparently, you do not have to give out the maximum you are alloted if you choose not to. (I was unaware of this.)
I was skeptical at first of this explanation, but sources in the know assure me that this is true. That was why ACA was so quick to simply say that they would just offer another bid, because they knew they had been qualified from the beginning to go to 3 if they chose. They did not need special permission from USASF to allot their additional bid, because they were eligible to give 3 in the first place.
ACA said that if they had known the correct information from the start, and seen how close bids #2 and #3 were score-wise, they would have announced from the start of awards that they were giving all 3. They also stated that they known the enrollment was as high as it turned out to be is year, they would advertised 3 from the start when sending out information about the event. I have no way to verify this, so I will just have to take Mr. Wagers at his word. (Something I am comfortable doing after knowing him for nearly 20 years.)
I am curious now how many other EPs are choosing not to give out their full compliment of bids.