All-Star Confessions Of A Fierceboarder.

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Sorry, but you need to put RuPaul back up.

hahahaha I was waiting to see who said something first :)

I guess that ruins my next confession.... I'm not really a black tranny :D

I'll change it back after nationals, promise, gotta get in the spirits. and this is our first year as smoed, so it was only acceptable. plus who doesn't love sponge bob !? okay, that statement isn't helping the "she looks like she's 12" case lol
i MAY or may not have just done this
* Ibarely post or come on the boards any more, at least, not in comparison to the last year or two when i would be at work checking to see if there was a new discussion/post or something interesting. its partly due to that phase when all the threads being started were completely unrelated to anything anyone wanted to discuss in the all-star thread. I'm trying t get back on now though.

* I hate that cat. Idk why everyone thinks its so funny because its not. The cats face is not funny and doesn't make any meme or tweet involving it funny either.
that said, stop it. it's not cute.

* There are a lot of times that I'll be posting a respond to a thread or particular comment on thread that i delete and change huge portions or to sound nicer. Then there's times i type a whole thing and get rid of it all and go to the next thread. I'm, like, i don't feel like this today.

* Sometimes i see a thread that looks interesting and i go to read up on it and 'm all ready to reply and then i have, like, 10 pages or more to read through. I am a firm believe in reading the entire thread( for the most part; depending on the type of thread) before post a reply. Just so i avoid redundancy or looking stupid because something was already addressed. and it also makes me able to make a heck of a post, but anyway. i get to that "there's like 5 pages...." stop typing delete and go away. If i don't get in on it early enough chances are i wont even bother.

* I wish the people at my gym had never found out about the board sometimes. Especially now that I've been on less frequently i feel lie they know things. which is fine. But i used to know things and now they do too. So now people ask me stuff and i'm like "i haven't been on thee in... let me go look"

*I kinda miss not sleeping t night because of fierce chat

* Whenever i reply to a thread and someone try to come at me as if to say I'm wrong, or just thinks they're gonna argue with me i keep track of every single shimmy i get, because then i know I'm right when they have zero and i have.. well, more than that.

* I've always hated how our shimmies didn't come over with our accounts as we switched the boars those few times.

* Despite the face that ive turned some of the kids, coaches, and parents at the gym onto the board whenever they ant to know something everyone still asks me.

* I credit this board for a lot of what I've learned about this sport since i started REALLY getting involved. I look at things differently than most people and had I never joined all those years ago i don't think i would be the same athlete/coach i am today. The fact that all the parents and even some coaches can't believe that I've been coaching as short a time as i have... yeah. Go fierceboard!

*My favorite fierce bow will always be the orange one from... three years ago?

* Being on the board in the middle of the night with the other five people is a bad idea because as you post all of a sudden every thread has your username under it and you're, like, "Okay i need to stop...".
*i found FB when cp wanted to start all star and i wanted to get some additional info on it. glad i came and have learned so much!
*originally i was trying to talk cp out of all star because comps are during ski season
*the bow in my avatar is not a cheer bow, the avatar is actually a pic from my skype account years before cp started cheer
*i only post on things i know about, which isn't much. or threads that have more to do with parent stuff
*i do wish ztaprincess never left and everytime i see a cow think of her posts
*some of the other parents seem fun and i would love to meet them at comps but would never initiate a meeting because i just think that's stalkerish. plus my husband would think it's wierd that i was meeting someone from online
* Ibarely post or come on the boards any more, at least, not in comparison to the last year or two when i would be at work checking to see if there was a new discussion/post or something interesting. its partly due to that phase when all the threads being started were completely unrelated to anything anyone wanted to discuss in the all-star thread. I'm trying t get back on now though.

* I hate that cat. Idk why everyone thinks its so funny because its not. The cats face is not funny and doesn't make any meme or tweet involving it funny either.
that said, stop it. it's not cute.

* There are a lot of times that I'll be posting a respond to a thread or particular comment on thread that i delete and change huge portions or to sound nicer. Then there's times i type a whole thing and get rid of it all and go to the next thread. I'm, like, i don't feel like this today.

* Sometimes i see a thread that looks interesting and i go to read up on it and 'm all ready to reply and then i have, like, 10 pages or more to read through. I am a firm believe in reading the entire thread( for the most part; depending on the type of thread) before post a reply. Just so i avoid redundancy or looking stupid because something was already addressed. and it also makes me able to make a heck of a post, but anyway. i get to that "there's like 5 pages...." stop typing delete and go away. If i don't get in on it early enough chances are i wont even bother.

* I wish the people at my gym had never found out about the board sometimes. Especially now that I've been on less frequently i feel lie they know things. which is fine. But i used to know things and now they do too. So now people ask me stuff and i'm like "i haven't been on thee in... let me go look"

*I kinda miss not sleeping t night because of fierce chat

* Whenever i reply to a thread and someone try to come at me as if to say I'm wrong, or just thinks they're gonna argue with me i keep track of every single shimmy i get, because then i know I'm right when they have zero and i have.. well, more than that.

* I've always hated how our shimmies didn't come over with our accounts as we switched the boars those few times.

* Despite the face that ive turned some of the kids, coaches, and parents at the gym onto the board whenever they ant to know something everyone still asks me.

* I credit this board for a lot of what I've learned about this sport since i started REALLY getting involved. I look at things differently than most people and had I never joined all those years ago i don't think i would be the same athlete/coach i am today. The fact that all the parents and even some coaches can't believe that I've been coaching as short a time as i have... yeah. Go fierceboard!

*My favorite fierce bow will always be the orange one from... three years ago?

* Being on the board in the middle of the night with the other five people is a bad idea because as you post all of a sudden every thread has your username under it and you're, like, "Okay i need to stop...".

I couldn't have said it better myself! :)
When I read your UN I read it like this "ch-yea" all sarcasticy and Wayne's World-ish. And that suits you just fine.

I didn't even come up with it. When I was in grade 8 (obviously thinking we were cool) me and a friend made really stupid email accounts for each other, and it kinda just stuck, and when I made an account here it's all I could think of... :P
Considering I have been MIA from the boards (thanks college and working..) the past months, I may or may not have thought that people forgot about me, and didn't care to ask where I was.

*not being conceited in anyway I promise*

I always am very careful as to what I say on here, out of fear that I will be attacked someday
Another confession: I know the dance portion to my daughters routine!.....and she and I will perform it on the living room. I mess up on purpose sometimes just to make her laugh. (no videos will ever be posted of this of course. My wife is under super-strict orders that its not to be captured on video)
Similarly, FB is a place someone gets what it is to be a cheer mom.

No I am not living out any childhood regrets through my CP, I am not crazy, and I would be / am just as supportive of my other non-CPs.
That's one of my favorite gripes...."you're just living through your kid!"

Confession number....I don't know, a lot....

I played soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball and did rec gymnastics (only to the fourth grade) and I hated cheerleaders with a fiery passion growing up.

I've determined it's all part of gods sense of humor I begot not one...but two ridiculously passionate Allstars ;)

So, no. Not living through my kids...just loving them and supporting their passions.
Confession #1- I own my gym, this is my 3rd business that I have owned on my own before the age of 30. I was so freaking nervous to post our new uniform on here, that I deleted the post probably 5 times before putting it up! I then freaked out to one of my coaches about how it didn't get any negative feedback. She had no idea what I was talking about!

#2- I know that two of my kids are on here, and when I got the "cheer stalker" title, I told them! And there answer....well you kind of are right? "I know! Isn't that awesome!" lol

#3- I tell my kids all the freaking time to get on FB. I want them to love cheerleading like everyone on here, and I want them to be involved. But then when they do, I get "can we do a ball up 360?" You are a level 3 team, who is struggling making a ball up to prep look pretty.....I don't think so!

#4- I read whole threads, but I feel like a complete loser shimmying a post that isn't from the same I don't.

#5- I wish I could meet a bunch of the people that I talk to on here. I want to be so much more involved in the All Star world then I am, and I walk into regional meetings, all "I want to save the world" and then I talk to 2 people. And one of the 2 people is one of my coaches who I force to come with me, so I can make snotty comments about what is being said to someone without looking like a jerk! lol

***Edit....holy crap, now I just noticed that I got moved to being a "Suzie" too exciting lol I might have to text a***
I guess i should stop just reading these and post mine already(:

1 - Posting scares me so.much. I'm always worried someone will call me a newbie still, or yell at me, or make a comment about how ive never allstar cheered, only school cheer (its only my second year too :O 4th season)

2 - I makes me so upset how my family doesnt care about my cheering, or support me, so i come to the boards, you guys are the family i really wish i had

3 - two of my teammates are on here, so i have to watch my mouth a little now :banghead:

4 - Everytime i watch the home packer games i look for BuegeSmalls and hope i see her on the tv(:

5 - fierceboard has kept me loving our sport, and fighting whenever people put cheer down. I bring out my inner sassy-ness if someone dares to say cheer isnt a sport.

6 - I sometimes wish i was more known, but then i realize i'd get a little hate sometimes and i change my mind

7 - I hate cats. But i love stupid/funny cat gifs

8 - i hope to go to worlds and meet many of you one day(:

9 - I love you all, not kidding. But im so scared to talk to some of you. I'm quite awkward.

10 - i see so much fierceboard things on tumblr and think "WHOS THE SPY!?" :wasntme:

thats all for now <3