I take it really personally when anyone has a problem with international teams- whether it's tumbling (or lack of), the worlds finals rules, international worlds scoresheets or laughing at int'l teams using prominent teams' music… although I may or may not feel the same way and b!txh, moan and laugh about it off the boards.
I also get annoyed when US teams complain about the cost of worlds… it ain't nothing compared to the cost of any intentional athlete. Just worlds for me is the cost of your season, plus I have to pay for my season too! And there's no such thing as full paid or partial paid bids at our comps.
I'm secretly sometimes happy that tumbling isn't as advanced internationally because I can still compete on a worlds team without a bhs. I do work my booty off to hold my own in the air, and the int'l score sheet lets me get away with it ;)
I really want to ask y'all to support me at worlds, but I'm also scared I'm gonna bust and drop all my stunts and being somewhat anonymous will be a blessing.
I get frustrated with teams who push to be international level 5 with only three twisting tumblers and one kick double basket. We have open level 2, 3 and 4 for adults. Why wouldn't you want your team to be competent across all elements?
I'm terrified of meeting new people. Even though
Ashley and I talk ALL the time I'm still gonna be awkward when we finally meet in person. And it will be just as intimidating meeting
Mamarazzi, Tawne, and others again. I was too scared to introduce myself to anyone in the fierceboard section at worlds in case no one knew who I was :(
I hate having an accent when I'm in America. Everyone thinks you're adorable but no one understands what you're saying unless its quiet and they can hear you properly.
I am not phased by seeing American kids in cropped uniforms but I feel weird when I see Aussie kids in cropped uniforms at Aussie competitions. It seems so inappropriate in real life because I'm not used to it. I really hope the trend doesn't grow.
I hate poms but I've been known to use them at performances/demonstrations to attract little girls and reel them into the world of cheer.
I would love to cheer at a big college football or basketball game although I would never admit to wanting to actually cheer-lead.