And, seriously, no. I just spent three hours rolling hair on pink sponge rollers the night before and it takes us over an hour in the morning to get the makeup and hair done, uniform on, half a bottle of hairspray and then you want me to try to stretch a Tshirt over that? We are in FL, there is a lot of uncovered folks. Doesn't bother me in the slightest if someone is walking around the venue in their uniform. Have you seen the girls' hair? There is a lot of us mommas that have spent a ton of time on that hair to not get signaled out for hair problems and there has been a few curse words by mom, a few ouuccchhhh and some general frustration with hairspray and curls. CP is tenderheaded, too. Dragging a Tshirt over the finished look and then back off to compete, hope I don't pull her hair in the process of trying to stretch that Tshirt to death, big hole in the pouf, hair now sticking out? Nope, babe, it looks great, that didn't frizz your hair out. Her attitude just took a dive and she's feeling my frustration. We still had glitter eye shadow, too, last year, that knocks glitter off. I've got glitter in my eye!!!! No thank you.