I want to preface this by stating I'm not endorsing those of us that can wear a 3-ply mask with no issues wear these, but my PTSD neighbor states this gauze mask with adjustable straps is the only thing he can wear that doesn't make him feel claustrophobic. It's obviously not the best protection for others, but it will stop more droplets than a mask worn below the nose, mouth, or not at all.
Thin breathable 1 ply gauze reusable adult face mask | Etsy
I know retired cp's gym is required to practice in them and showcased with them on. If their sister gyms weren't in them, that's surprising (or, lol, perhaps your child cheers with them now). I, personally, am not a fan of masks for athletes with a lot of twisting tumbling/flying, I've seen a lot of shifting masks in videos, but with that said, it hasn't seemed to be an issue so far.