All of California is going back to a full-fledged lock-down within days now. They claim this is necessary to stop the overcrowding of ICUs. I've never worked in healthcare, but why can't major hospitals create another ICU wing to accommodate rising numbers of patients? Or transfer patients to hospitals in more remote areas with more available space? The lock-down is supposed to last 3 weeks, but if this is like last time, it will last months. Covid numbers are skyrocketing despite nobody being able to walk into a public place without a mask on. I don't get it.
I hate how politicized this virus situation has become. It seems teams/gyms from certain states with Democratic governors are going to be at a disadvantage compared to states with Republican governors. It seems Democrats are supposed to want strict lock-downs and Republicans are supposed to want no restrictions at all. How about a happy medium between the two? Do other countries politicize absolutely everything like we do in the US? It's so divisive and depressing and it just feels like everything is about politics instead of genuinely trying to find solutions to keep people safe and well.