The more I think about this the more appalled I get.
We ALL know that the intent of USASF with the bid system is to have the team that earns the bid be the team that takes the mat at Worlds. The reason there is no rule against what we are talking about is because it would be very very difficult to come up with one that would still be fair and allow for unforeseen circumstances (injuries, quitting, tumbling blocks etc). If you put "X" amount of athletes out on the floor for a bid comp KNOWING they will not compete at Worlds it is wrong, it is fraud. Plain and it's not against the rules, there are gray areas with rules. However, it is morally wrong....there is no gray area with right and wrong. It's either right or wrong, any preschooler can tell you that.
The scary part in all of this is the number of adults that are doing it and those justifying it for whatever reason. A team that can't afford to go on an at large bid came up. I'm sorry but this is not justification for doing something that is wrong. Why would a team/athlete think they have any more right to that bid than someone else? As a kid I missed out on opportunities that other kids had because my parents didn't have the money. Guess what? It made me strive to always work harder so that wouldn't be an issue when I had my own children. I wonder where I'd be today if someone told me, "It's ok for you do something that is morally questionable because you can't afford it" and just handed me whatever it was that I wanted? All teams have about 12 months to ensure they can afford to go to Worlds and can fundraise, work extra shifts, whatever is needed. I already see so many kids/young adults today that have entitled attitudes. Most know nothing about working hard to get what they want because there are so many adults surrounding them enforcing the notion that they shouldn't have to miss out on anything because of their circumstances. Fact of the matter is that just because you DO work hard it doesn't mean you are going to get what you want...that's life! It's really frightening to think what this generation of kids (people with little moral fiber and drive) are going to be like as adults.
That is all...really those of you that want to see both sides and/or justify what's happening really ought to give it another thought!