Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’

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Went on excursions for free. They made friends with other cheerleaders that were close enough to have them crying at disembarkation. In my opinion, the core of this event worked. Iamreminded of the cliche: there is no I in team. Kristina assembled a team of coaches, families, and kids to trial this event, take notes, and make it better. Most of us worked together, saw itforwhat it was, and got a lot from it. We appreciated all the little upgrades she got us and understood when things had to change because numbers were lower than expected or hotels were not cooperative or whatever. People did their part to pitch in and make it work. Kyle sure did. You'd never have known the cruise wasn't fabulous for him. If he saw a kid, he was all smiles! But there were a few families and a few coaches who focused only on the ME in team.... They only focused on what they were not getting, what they were asked to share, or what inconveniences happened, and they tried to ruin it for everyone. Honestly, if your luggage is lost or your key doesn't work or you have a problem with your bank, how is that Kristinas fault? Well, a lot these people thought they should take it all out on her, and in some cases, thought it was okay to bully her 10 year old child too.... So, yes, there are two sides to this story, at least. But do know that some of us had a great time and will be going back next year without hesitation.
I think Kristina's post on facebook from the 'cheer cruise' page speaks volumes of her character:

"The Norwegian Sky is leaving the port. You didn't get left on the dock, did you?
3 more days of fun!!!"

Right after the Welsh family was left in tears and disappointment at the terminal. What a sweetheart!
I think Kristina's post on facebook from the 'cheer cruise' page speaks volumes of her character:

"The Norwegian Sky is leaving the port. You didn't get left on the dock, did you?
3 more days of fun!!!"

Right after the Welsh family was left in tears and disappointment at the terminal. What a sweetheart!

Was this on her personal Facebook? I did not see that anywhere. I could have misjudged her character, as anyone can be two sides, but in my experience, I don't see her doing that. 4:30pm was when we found out The Welsh family would not be on the ship and we left around 5:10pm. Can you validate the time?
She posted it at 5:30pm on the Official Cheer Cruise facebook page
She deleted it today but I have a screen shot. Feel free to PM for it.
She posted it at 5:30pm on the Official Cheer Cruise facebook page
She deleted it today but I have a screen shot. Feel free to PM for it.
I would like to see a screen shot since it wasnt on the facebook page yesterday. Regardless there are most certainly two sides to this story.....

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I've just now arrived home from one of the most rewarding, yet exhausting learning experiences of my life. We attempted an unprecedented venture in the world of cheer, by offering a camp and cruise that would benefit both cheerleaders and their parents. Some parts went well and the kids were thrilled. Other parts can be improved on and I have a notebook of suggestions that will be put into good use next year. There were a few difficult situations, some that were in our control and others that were not, but we did everything in our power to remedy these including operating at a loss. Most of the parents were happy with the efforts of my team and the solutions we offered.

My only response to the above blog is that a year ago, I did make the mistake of promising more than I could provide. I was excited and wanted to share that same excitement with everyone helping me. However, by May of this year we had an indication of the participant numbers and our contracts had to be amended as to what would be provided for the team working on the event. If anyone wanted to cancel at this point, they were able to do so without loss. No one went to Florida without full knowledge of whether they would be provided with a compensatory hotel room, a cruise, or both. All official working parties were provided a hotel rooms for two nights and one free cruise ticket for the Cheer Cruise and were advised of this before the event.

The tweet/facebook referenced above was scheduled before we left for the event. This statement was used as part of our You Tube Video post earlier this year and on The Cheer Cruise 2013 fliers. It was not in reference to what actually happened in Miami.

Again this was an amazing experience that can only be improved upon for years to come. Thank you to all the parents, staff and especially the coaches that worked tirelessly to make this week happen. You were my best cheerleaders!

If anyone has any additional questions, please contact me at: [email protected].
I would like to see a screen shot since it wasnt on the facebook page yesterday. Regardless there are most certainly two sides to this story.....

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" Julie " i don't know why this thread matters to you . You did not attend the cheer cruise or the beach camp . you where in the " cape " . you have no idea what happened in the week of hell that we went through . I 100 % understand that it was the first event and mistakes are going to happen but she was 100 % unprofessional about how she acted the whole week . she did post a very unprofessional comment on the Facebook page 5 minutes after she didn't make her promise to her biggest supporter in this whole situation . so if i was you i would stop when your ahead and stick with your fierce bored name .Thank you and have a good week off . More Love Less Hate
Just out of curiosity...

Who was the insurance provider?
We, as parents, were horrified when we found out there was no first aid equipment or medical release forms. Yes, there was a first aid room in the building but no one had access to it.

We also heard that photos were taken to be used for a calendar. Can you confirm this?
And while we address safety...
We were told the children would be provided water by you. However, there was no water and a coach had to purchase every child water or drink at the convention center for $3 a bottle.
The energy company who was there passing out samples; gave my 5 year old (without permission or question) energy gummy candies and drinks. Which I was really excited to hear since I have a hereditary heart condition in which I cannot consume energy products or caffeine.
I've just now arrived home from one of the most rewarding, yet exhausting learning experiences of my life. We attempted an unprecedented venture in the world of cheer, by offering a camp and cruise that would benefit both cheerleaders and their parents. Some parts went well and the kids were thrilled. Other parts can be improved on and I have a notebook of suggestions that will be put into good use next year. There were a few difficult situations, some that were in our control and others that were not, but we did everything in our power to remedy these including operating at a loss. Most of the parents were happy with the efforts of my team and the solutions we offered.

My only response to the above blog is that a year ago, I did make the mistake of promising more than I could provide. I was excited and wanted to share that same excitement with everyone helping me. However, by May of this year we had an indication of the participant numbers and our contracts had to be amended as to what would be provided for the team working on the event. If anyone wanted to cancel at this point, they were able to do so without loss. No one went to Florida without full knowledge of whether they would be provided with a compensatory hotel room, a cruise, or both. All official working parties were provided a hotel rooms for two nights and one free cruise ticket for the Cheer Cruise and were advised of this before the event.

The tweet/facebook referenced above was scheduled before we left for the event. This statement was used as part of our You Tube Video post earlier this year and on The Cheer Cruise 2013 fliers. It was not in reference to what actually happened in Miami.

Again this was an amazing experience that can only be improved upon for years to come. Thank you to all the parents, staff and especially the coaches that worked tirelessly to make this week happen. You were my best cheerleaders!

If anyone has any additional questions, please contact me at: [email protected].

Kristina everyone's problem was you took 0 responsibility for your actions . You repeatedly told several people that what happened was out of your control . I understand that what happened with Orbitz was not your fault but if you kept your end of the deal none of this would have happened . No one on this trip deserved a room in the hotel and cruise more than Lisa and Becky . You gave a room to every coach what made Becky any different ? They stayed up latter then anyone else to help you and you walked all over their generosity Very unfair .
Two wrongs never make a right. I am not defending anyone or anything, but it does seem that this board is all about attacking Kristina and her choices. Having been on this trip, I know that many of the adults on this trip made poor choices: parents and coaches included. (Whether out of anger or fear or frustration, acts of physical and verbal bullying and aggression cannot be condoned -- especially when these behaviors take place at an event that was supposed to be about, and for, children.) Safety concerns aside, many of the issues that people are upset about could have, and should have been dealt with privately -- even after the trip. Instead, there were many public rants and scenes that, frankly, I would have preferred not to have had my children hear about. But that was the nature of the event, and we tried to make the best of it. I do not think the "Beach Camp and Cheer Cruise" is a bad idea, nor do I think it is wise to toss the baby out with the bathwater. My family had a great time. My children were not hurt, nor did they feel like they were in danger. My children WERE given water (??? I was only at the convention center briefly so I'm going on what they tell me...). There were issues, for sure, but many of the staff at the camp (coaches) were brainstorming ideas to improve things for next year, and as far as I could tell, Kristina welcomed input. Perhaps the "team" needs to change for next year. Perhaps Kristina needs more help and perhaps this was something that was too big for the leadership team she had assembled for the inaugural trip, but I can understand how this kind of problem might not be identified until one is in the middle of the experience. I'm hoping people will give the cheer beach camp/cruise idea a chance. At its heart is the idea that we can meet cheer families/coaches from around the country and enjoy new friendships in a fun, vacation environment. Personally, I hope people can get beyond personal attacks and look at the bigger picture and let this idea grow and perhaps offer some constructive suggestions instead of just ripping the whole thing to shreds.... There were problems, yes. But there were also some great friendships formed in this short trip (we have 6 new t-shirts from trades and a bunch of new FB friends). I can acknowledge posts about disorganization or confusion and even some of the specific issues, but I take offense at posts that describe this as a Week from Hell.... That's sad. And for those reading this who were not there, please know that the expression certainly does not capture the experience of all who attended. I have 200 photos full of smiles and family memories I treasure.
I have to admit that the Energy candy thing got me wondering. I am not belittling the fear that the mother on this board expressed; hers is a unique and real physical condition, and if your child is too young to advocate for her own self, then I can see the need for concern. But for anyone else who might have envisioned minis downing energy candy like teenage Red Bull junkies..... I asked my kids about the candy. They were given 1 of the gummy candies, which was 1/5 of a serving. [My child actually asked for another and was denied and told to ask a parent to buy them (safety or sales, who knows).] Anyway, for those who might be curious, the product is listed as safe for children and pregnant women. One square has only 5mg of caffeine (green tea) in it. This is less than a Kit Kat bar and about the same as 2T of chocolate syrup. Other than that, it's a gummy bear with trace amounts of acerola and B-vitamins, no artificial colors or sweeteners or flavorings. Not sure it will do much for energy, but it wasn't a Red Bull shot or anything much more threatening than the pixie stix and Hershey kisses kids get handed by well-meaning others at competitions all the time. Again, not excusing feeding a young child without permission. Just giving info to anyone who might have envisioned "drug pushers" at the door...

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