All-Star Dance Moms? How About Cheer Moms....

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Here is what Level5mom previously posted (It really is pretty accurate!)

First year: first year cp is clueless, and mom is clueless. It's all fun and games. The novelty comes from wearing a cheerleading uniform at a young age and getting to wear big glittery bows and glittery makeup with bright lipstick. Mom has no clue about the sport, has no concept of what a scoresheet is, what level play is, what body positions are, and is pretty oblivious to other gyms in the area because she chose the one right down the street from her house. The focus is not on winning at all.....all concern is placed on her own cp and whether or not she will make it through the routine without running off the floor crying or having to go pee pee.

Second year: cp has gained some skills, and mom is starting to learn a little. Mom understands a little about level play and is so tickled that her cp has learned some skill. However, all cp's friends are learning some skill too and the worry sets in about her cp keeping up, or falling behind. Mom also starts to notice that other gyms in the area might have teams that are good and starts to question whether or not this gym is the BEST gym around. She now knows cp will make it through a routine, and starts to crave winning.

Third year: PEAK PYSCHO YEAR: cp has gained more skills, and mom is excited but still nervous because some of cp's friends have gained more skills. Mom gets hard on cp, putting pressure on her to "get better" tumbling, jumps, body positions, etc. Mom is starting to understand score sheets, now knows how to look up performance orders like a pro, stalk you tube and picture websites to see what her cp's team is up against. She is full flegged into having her cp be on a winning team! Now the mom knows all the weaknesses of her cp's gym, and will take every opportunity to point out those weaknesses!! Talk about changing gyms is rampant, unless cp's gym has a winning record. Even if it does there will still be issues mom needs to complain about and the thoughts about whether the grass is greener at the other gyms sometimes wins out and they move. Complaints about other kids, coaches, methods, other parents, etc is at it's peak!!!

Fourth year: Mom is still psycho, but cp is progressing even more and that is enough to keep mom happy, especially if there was a gym change. Mom is into full flegged cheer mania!! She wants that win bad!!! Relationships with other cheer moms have developed, even moms from other gyms. She may still be putting tons of pressure on cp to fix this and that, get this and that etc.

Fifth year: Mom still has hidden anxiety but has stopped telling everyone about it. She has met some other 3rd year psycho moms and realize how insanely idiotic they act. She has come to terms with her own cp's level and has started taking away the pressures, but still quietly encourages improvement. She enjoys some quiet conversation with other 4+ year cheer moms. She fully understands by now what it takes to win, and has accepted that kids develop in different stages. She also understands now that kids will have strengths and weaknesses, including her own cp, and they can all contribute to a team beautifully.

Sixth year: Mom has settled nicely into a happy group of other veteran moms and laughs out loud at the 3rd year moms. She still wants the win bad, but she realizes now that winning is not everything. She has found a peace with her cp, and gives her the tools she needs to succeed, but no longer pushes so hard. This peace continues through the rest of cp's cheer career.

Now obviously there are exceptions, and lots of them. But I have seen this pattern from soooo many moms. Too bad we can't go from 1st year to 6th year and skip the years in between. I guess my advice is, if you enjoy her as a friend, be patient and she will settle back down. If you don't think you can wait a year or two, cut her loose until she's a 5th year mom...haha."
Haha cheer moms, that cracks me up.

Everytime I tell my dad stories he is like "I thought dance moms was fake but I guess not, you cheer moms could be on it"

However I find most of my negative experience from parents who are mad their kids aren't flying.

I've heard so many negative things this year-
Like oh your daughter was on tiny's last year and now she is on youth2 that's not fair because my daughter can't fly because of your daughter being put on the team and my daughter spent 2 years on tiny's and 3 years on mini's and she finally moves up to level 2 and now she can't fly.

Like I'm sorry it took your cp 4 or 5 years to get a back handspring and your mad at me because why?
I didn't put the teams together....

It was so hard for me as a mom this season because last year when my daughter was on tiny's there was no drama. No one cared if my daughter was up front. No one cared if there kid flew or not- all the parents were great.

Then like the first month on this youth team I like literally hated going to the gym because I felt like some of the parents picked on me because my cp was 6.

Then I heard during the summer a couple parents yelling at their cp saying why are you landing on your knees in your back handspring, your letting a 6 year tumble better then you.

& yeah it seems like a compliment but the way they said it just kind of irritated me.

It's so much better now.. I know what parents truly like me and I know what parents are still harboring feelings against me. As I'm sure several of them are excited we are moving at the end of the season. Who knows if no more little kids make it there daughter may get to fly. Lol
& I'm genuinely sorry they feel that way and wish we had more kids so they could all fly. But were a small team with 15 kids. Most of the kids are on the smaller spectrum. All but 3 of them are the right size to fly on a normal youth team with average bases. Just not ours, my daughter is the absolute smallest so she can't even front base a stunt. There is really no other place for her..

It does make me feel better to know there everywhere!!

I want to shimmy this 9999999999 times over...I feel your pain!
People really do that?!
At Jam Live in Chicago this weekend, there was a mom from a different program who was so drunk she was vomiting in the garbage can in front of all the cheerleaders at the main venue. Later, she purportedly peed her pants while staggering in the halls. I am not sure why she wasn't escorted from the premises. Real nice example for all the athletes. :rolleyes:
I would agree and say cheer moms, soccer moms, dance moms, baseball dads.... they are everwhere and basically they are crazy and most are either competitive themselves or more competitive then their cp.... OR they just want to keep up w/ the Jonses. :-) However, some situations warrant the true "cheer mom" to come out but all in all, for outsiders, entertaining....

My HS team is like 1/2 cheer mom's they care when they want to and go w/ it when they could care less... and that was my past experience w/ all star.. but there is ALWAYS that one that wants to tell you Suzie Q has a headache today and she really shouldn't be doing this and then check in after, and have a question about the upcoming schedule or money or anything... and that is the one "cheer mom" that has to get under my skin, you know you will see her at every single event and she will come up and single out one thing :-)
At Jam Live in Chicago this weekend, there was a mom from a different program who was so drunk she was vomiting in the garbage can in front of all the cheerleaders at the main venue. Later, she purportedly peed her pants while staggering in the halls. I am not sure why she wasn't escorted from the premises. Real nice example for all the athletes. :rolleyes:
SAW THAT scarred for life
At Jam Live in Chicago this weekend, there was a mom from a different program who was so drunk she was vomiting in the garbage can in front of all the cheerleaders at the main venue. Later, she purportedly peed her pants while staggering in the halls. I am not sure why she wasn't escorted from the premises. Real nice example for all the athletes. :rolleyes:
i'm feeling terribly sorry for her children :(
At Jam Live in Chicago this weekend, there was a mom from a different program who was so drunk she was vomiting in the garbage can in front of all the cheerleaders at the main venue. Later, she purportedly peed her pants while staggering in the halls. I am not sure why she wasn't escorted from the premises. Real nice example for all the athletes. :rolleyes:

Cannot stop laughing. That is the most RIDICULOUS story I have ever heard. WHO DOES THAT?!

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