All-Star Dangers Of Cheerlebrity

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I'm going to try relating this to the topic of Tumblr.

My brother is pretty popular on that website. He has tons and tons of followers and they're quite dedicated also. Of course he doesn't do endorsement deals or signs autographs or anything like that, I mean he is only known by strangers because of his blog on that website.

But sometimes (more frequently than I'm comfortable with), he'll get recognized by his followers out in public. We went to an amusement park last summer and these girls started whistling at him while we were in line and started screaming his tumblr URL out at him. He was recognized more than just that once throughout the day, which included people asking for pictures with him.

He found this "popularity" kind of cool at first because he did nothing to really get it -- the followers just started pouring in for his tumblr. But he started to get really creeped out by it in the end when random people were talking to him in person about personal experiences he's talked about online because a lot of teens our age use tumblr as a place to express themselves. Since then, he's practically stopped posting personal stuff on that website because of how crazy and weird some of his followers can get.

I just find it so weird how people can get a weird and crazy fanbase from something as tiny in importance as a tumblr profile or cheerleading (not saying cheerleading or social networking is stupid, just that in your whole life it's not the most important thing).
the jaime at school thing is honestly way creepy.. like looking at the pictures sure it could be a friend making fun of her because shes popular in the cheer world but honestly, i could see this being a very real very creepy thing. i am hoping its just a friend.
how ironic that you are here complaining about cheerlebrities and how they are being stalked yet many of you sure are familiar with said cheerlebrities instagrams and facebooks etc. :confused:
I found an Instagram called Jamie Andries at School. It basically takes pictures of Jamie at school in her different classes and stuff. I found it quite creepy and wonder how Jamie feels about it. I live in her city and see her many places around town but you don't see me snapping pictures of her every time I see her at Walmart or the mall! Anyway you guys can go check it out yourself: @jamieandriesatschool
I found an Instagram called Jamie Andries at School. It basically takes pictures of Jamie at school in her different classes and stuff. I found it quite creepy and wonder how Jamie feels about it. I live in her city and see her many places around town but you don't see me snapping pictures of her every time I see her at Walmart or the mall! Anyway you guys can go check it out yourself: @jamieandriesatschool
I went the page just to report it. This is awful, she is my age. I would be so upset if I were her.
I don't think the problem lies in one area. It would be naive and really easy to just blame this all on MTV and social media but there is more to it than that. I contribute a lot of it to the "entitlement" generation we see now. "My little Susie is entitled to a picture with cheerlebrity x because he has an instagram and put himself out there!" No she's not. I do agree that outlets such as MTV have made it appear more acceptable to exhibit this behavior. When I was a teen it WAS NOT cool to get pregnant at 16, and if someone did you better believe her family kept it on the down low, including sending them to a special school just for pregnant teens our district had. Now it is glorified on MTV as the best thing since sliced bread..."Look girls you to can have a tv deal and get paid obnoxious amounts of money to make a horrible life decision! WOOHOOO!"
It's up to parents to combat these things but more and more times I see it not happening. For example it boggles my mind when I find out parents do not monitor their child's activity on social media sites. It's not that I don't trust my child, I don't trust the millions of people she can come in contact with.
There's an instagram kind of like the Jamie Andries At School one. Harrison keeps posting that it's creepy, it's posting pics of him in random places. I mean it obviously must be an SOT person (since they have pics of him in atlanta) but it's creepy, he's like 12 or something...
The most recent picture on the Jamie At School Instagram is from an hour a go and has a caption that says "This is officially my last pic. My friend told me that she thought I should stop, so I guess I am. Sorry ya'll won't be get to see her fierceness and enjoy it"

ETA: I think it's creepy. maybe some people think it's funny, but if someone started a BuegeSmallsAtSchool instagram I would be so extremely creeped out. So so so weird.
The most recent picture on the Jamie At School Instagram is from an hour a go and has a caption that says "This is officially my last pic. My friend told me that she thought I should stop, so I guess I am. Sorry ya'll won't be get to see her fierceness and enjoy it"

ETA: I think it's creepy. maybe some people think it's funny, but if someone started a BuegeSmallsAtSchool instagram I would be so extremely creeped out. So so so weird.
I saw that! I'm glad they're supposedly stopping but the fact that people are commenting "noooo" or "Please don't!" is freaking me out.
The most recent picture on the Jamie At School Instagram is from an hour a go and has a caption that says "This is officially my last pic. My friend told me that she thought I should stop, so I guess I am. Sorry ya'll won't be get to see her fierceness and enjoy it"

ETA: I think it's creepy. maybe some people think it's funny, but if someone started a BuegeSmallsAtSchool instagram I would be so extremely creeped out. So so so weird.
If someone started a KTGinNYC instagram, they'd best be ready for the City's finest to be busting down their door :D And me, with a nerf gun..

A step in the right direction (:
I feel like people are opposed to rules like this, but, I mean, how hard is it to ask your coach? If it's something small (like "I'm getting family pics and I want to wear my uni in my pics) it's not like they're going to say no, and if it's like a magazine or something, I think they should be informed regardless of a rule...
Kay, I know this is old, but, I'm just gonna bring it back real quick
Ahem, a tumblr post

"On the Cheetahs:

cheer-now-cheer-forever: After they were done preforming I stood where they come up the stairs and they locked themselves in a room to have a group chat. I patiently waited with my bow and sharpie. They walked out and one said “If you want pictures, too bad” and they all walked away. It was so disappointing.

the-cheer-nation: Um wow tf that is so mean

cheer5ever: omfgggg rude

heel-stretch: aw i feel bad for you that sucks :(

My Reply: Okay, you know what? If people were all up in my face 93.7% of the time, I’d start to get bothered too. Competitions are time for you to be with your teammates know matter who you are. You don’t want their rejection? Then leave them be… They may be super hot or have great hair and amazing tumbling, but other than that, they are just regular teenagers… 
Now go get a glass of water and quit being so thirsty."
Kay, I know this is old, but, I'm just gonna bring it back real quick
Ahem, a tumblr post

"On the Cheetahs:

cheer-now-cheer-forever: After they were done preforming I stood where they come up the stairs and they locked themselves in a room to have a group chat. I patiently waited with my bow and sharpie. They walked out and one said “If you want pictures, too bad” and they all walked away. It was so disappointing.

the-cheer-nation: Um wow tf that is so mean

cheer5ever: omfgggg rude

heel-stretch: aw i feel bad for you that sucks :(

My Reply: Okay, you know what? If people were all up in my face 93.7% of the time, I’d start to get bothered too. Competitions are time for you to be with your teammates know matter who you are. You don’t want their rejection? Then leave them be… They may be super hot or have great hair and amazing tumbling, but other than that, they are just regular teenagers… 
Now go get a glass of water and quit being so thirsty."

Omg I saw the girl with a bow and a sharpie she looked so (I don't want to say pathetic) but stalkerish.

They (cheetahs) walked in the stands on the far left hand side of the stage as a group to watch Panthers. This girl and 2 of her friends darted up there.. I saw her ask and the turn around. They have every right to tell her that and good for them. I was like omg I'm glad my kid is not like that. She likes to take pics with anyone if she casually sees them not doing anything (these are people who I assume really aren't that high in the cheerlebrity world) but I will never let her follow or go find an athlete.

Btw, the girl already had Matt Smiths signature on that bow from earlier. She would of been fine without the others!!

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