I guess I'm confused by the whol cheerlebrity phenomenon. Are these really then"best" athletes out there, or the most well-marketed? And when they are part of a team of 20, are the other team members not as important? At a recent competition, I met a lovely young lady that had formerly cheered with one of these cheerlebrities. While I'm sure this young lady had plenty to personally be proud of, all she could say was how she was on the team with said cheerlebrity. I found that heartbreaking. My CP works her butt off, her dream is to one day win Worlds. If and when that dream comes to fruition as it had for this young lady, I would hope that she would have more to brag about than who she cheered with.
And I guess it seems weird to me to see a team hold a meet and greet and sign bows for the very athletes they'll, be competing against a few hours later,