Dear My old Bases and backspots,
Thanks for Calling me "too fat to fly" (btw, Im only 100 pounds, not 150....) , I'm officially scarred and labeled for the rest of my cheer career. Think I didn't hear you giggling about feet either?
You Suck,
Too skinny for skanks
Dear Other Captain,
Thanks For trying to ruin my eighth grade year. Although you screwed the whole captain experience for me and tried to ruin my reputation on the squad, stole all my privileges and gave them to the others, guess what? I still came out on top.
Thanks for telling to the coach my tryout cheer sucked, now I don't get to teach it. Thanks for telling those other girls they could make up all the dances for the entire year and not me. Thanks for stabbing me in the back. Thanks for acting like my friend at Church and in the halls. Cause guess what? You may be in all AP classes, but your just like a penny, two faced, worthless, and pretty stupid. Now the situations reversed and they all know the truth.
Good Luck making new friends at your new school, your going to need it.
Dedication and Passion= True Captain.
Dear Hardwood Floors,
You scare me to death. I can't believe I have to throw a round off back handspring tuck on you- please be kind to my wrists, they're rather small :/ Maybe I'll introduce you to my new friend, Wrist-brace. I'm sure you'll love him, I do :)
Future Varsity cheerleader.