All-Star Dear Cheer Coach....

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Pointing out that you pay our bills or, in my case, pay my paycheck, probably isn't going to go over well. I am well aware of how a business works- pointing it out is a powerplay on the parent(s) part and I think it's kind of rude. Not to memtion the fact that many of the parents who have pointed this out to me are the same parents that pay their tuition/fees late on a monthly basis. I can't count the number of times that I have wanted to point out that they haven't paid us anything in 2 months...
I agree with you. I wrote that on here just to emphasize that there is an owner/client relationship no matter how much we are called family. If I ever actually had to say that to a coach/gym owner in a conversation or email it would mean it was time for me to leave that gym and take my cp elsewhere because I was at the point where there was no level of respect for them.
Pointing out that you pay our bills or, in my case, pay my paycheck, probably isn't going to go over well. I am well aware of how a business works- pointing it out is a powerplay on the parent(s) part and I think it's kind of rude. Not to memtion the fact that many of the parents who have pointed this out to me are the same parents that pay their tuition/fees late on a monthly basis. I can't count the number of times that I have wanted to point out that they haven't paid us anything in 2 months...

I can't believe I'm going to argue with you in your new mom state, but here goes. This is SUCH a hot button topic with me... I think most people who pay late aren't paying late because they are rude and disrespectful. They're paying late because cheer is a HUGE financial burden and perhaps for their family its even more of one (yes, I'm no saint and have paid late AND have pointed out that I'm the one paying). So the reason that more often than not its the late payers pointing this out is because it's the late payers who are drowning in bills and probably robbing peter to pay Paul to keep paying you. So it's a little insulting when you then send an email and it just goes unanswered. Not even a "I'm super busy, but I did receive this and will discuss it with you tuesday". Because we're sitting here obsessing about your gym 24 hours a day trying to figure out how to pay you and we'd just like a reply. Even if it's late, we're still paying it.

Trust me, I'll be the first to agree that YES, some questions probably are self answering and can wait. But the packet given at the beginning of the season very clearly states that Allstar cheer is a huge financial and time commitment, and if one isn't ready to make that commitment we shouldn't. We are told to schedule vacations around it, miss family functions, miss SCHOOL DAYS to go to longer comps, and basically our whole family is expected to eat, sleep, and breathe cheer. I've even been asked to rearrange my work schedule (at my fulltime CAREER) to get my kid to 5 o'clock practices (which I did). We do it because we know it needs to be done, usually at great sacrifice to our finances and the rest of our families - and most certainly any social life we ever used to have. So telling us that you have jobs and families and lives kinda falls on deaf ears because most of us are thinking "Oh really? Believe it or not I ALSO have a job, a family, and a life! Why is yours important and mine isn't?" Really, we get emails from the gym aaaallll the time that require a response within the same day. Trust me, I also have 4 thousand emails from my non cheer life I have to attend to, but I still reply.

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that a ton of what you get is probably nonsense, but I kinda feel like a reply is not too much to ask. Not the same day, not a minute after you receive it, but within one to two BUSINESS days is reasonable.

Lastly, as for the example that you wouldn't point out at any other business that you were paying their salaries... I have NEVER worked somewhere where this wasn't pointed out to me on a daily basis by clients. My last job I would get told this daily from realtors and attorneys ("Well, if it wasn't for people like me and this project your salary wouldn't get paid, so I guess you'll HAVE to stay late and finish it"), and I also was told in no uncertain terms that if I didn't respond to emails within 24 hours (not counting weekends) I wouldn't have a job.

Just saying that "I'm busy/I have a family/I have a life/this is a part time job/your question is stupid/I have too many emails" doesn't work in any other job in any other industry - why is it OK in ours?

***OK, rant over. Sorry... This topic just always gets me fired up. <insert that little blushing face that I don't have on my phone> Think I'll go back to the book thread...
I can't believe I'm going to argue with you in your new mom state, but here goes.

I can't believe I'm going to reply to you lol. This could be the start of a new trend. I understand that parents and families have other bills to pay and that cheer is a huge financial commitment. However, if it is a commitment that puts undue hardship on the family, then they shouldn't do it. The landlord of the gym doesn't care about our families paying on time, s/he expects the rent on time. Same with all the other bills due from the gym. The competition companies want their fees on time, and don't really care about excuses either. Employees want their paychecks on time, and really don't care about excuses either. So if the gym has to pay out all their expenses on time, why can't the parents?

As far as response time, yes, it's a little rude if there's no response at all. Yes, it's really annoying to get emails about things that are posted in 15 different places or has already been said there currently isn't any info. However, the phone calls and text messages during my day job, that's where I have a hard time. Most of us work a day job. Answering texts and calls about cheer isn't exactly something that's easily done. Phone calls and texts during practice, again, not something that's easily done. Before or after practice, fair game.

In addition to most coaches working at least 2 jobs, in many cases, our cheer job doesn't just mean the 2 practices your child has a week. There's other teams, classes, meetings, privates ect. I actually spend more time for cheer than anywhere else. I've missed countless family things as everyone involved in this industry has. We're all more than willing to do so. However, an email about what susie can do to make a certain level? Not going to be at the top of my hit parade.
NJ Coach - agreed on all counts. I was in no way saying it's ok to pay late, although in rereading it sure sounded like I was. I'm not dumb, so I understand how a business works. I was merely saying that that's why those are the parents she is getting that comment from more - because it's on their mind 24 hours a day. As for not doing it, then we'd be in a different thread about quitting midseason. I lost my job in December - made it really hard to keep 2 kids cheering on 3 teams, but I managed to finish out the season, paid in full; circumstances do change to make things a hardship that weren't when we signed up. So i apologize for poor wording - I certainly don't think gyms should just accept late payments like it's cool. I could have worded that WAY better.

And I agree that an email about what suzy can do to make a different level isn't what I'd call an emergency. But thousands of times on here I've seen advice to people of "don't approach the coaches at the gym about Suzy's level. If you're really confused and want to know what she can do to improve, send an email" so I feel like a response is in order.

I in no way think coaches should be being bothered at their day jobs or at home and expected to answer (although my clients literally emailed me at midnight during my vacations). I was only referring to NO answer at all. Ever. Just email sent and gone. Not even something said the next time I'm at the gym.

And I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree on the rest. Most parents I know work 50-80 hours a week, and my child's 2 practices a week certainly aren't the only ones we have either. I really wasn't saying coaches don't make sacrifices and I'm sorry if it came across like I was saying that. I know you guys are doing "cheer" things aaaalllllll the time, probably more than I could ever guess. But I do sometimes feel like coaches think that we just sit on our sofas, car keys in hand, waiting for it to be time to go to cheer. I was only saying we're just as busy (isn't everyone now a days?)

But I also don't see most of your emails you get, so I can only dare to try to imagine what some of them are. When I see posts on here about parents berating you in emails I am stunned. I can see why you wouldn't even want to open them if they're like that. I looooove my kids' coaches (I think most people do) so I can't wrap my head around berating them??? So if that's the emails you guys are getting then I stand corrected. I don't know how fast I'd reply either. (at work if they were that bad I had the benefit of forwarding them to the person in charge of the deal and saying "what do you want me to do with this lady?" Guess you guys don't have that benefit.)

I can only speak for myself, and I only send about 2-3 emails per season and only need an answer within a week (less than that and I'd just call or ask at the desk). I guess my biggest argument is that I don't understand why coaches can have other jobs and lives but when we say "sorry I can't get cp to this last minute practice you scheduled for TOMORROW because I have to work" the response I get it "It's not optional, find her a ride." Just a double standard.
Just-a-Mom no worries! I know, for the most part, that the parents coaches deal with are great. Unfortunately, it's the few crazies that paint the rest with a crazy brush.

And what do you mean you don't sit around eating bon bons all day?
PS I'm not sure what this meant... Hopefully not the way I took it.:(

haha...just that I think it's the first time I was going to reply in potential disagreement to something you posted. Usually I find myself just shimmying you, and not needing to respond :) All love from me :D
Just-a-Mom no worries! I know, for the most part, that the parents coaches deal with are great. Unfortunately, it's the few crazies that paint the rest with a crazy brush.

And what do you mean you don't sit around eating bon bons all day?

Girl, I LOST my job. Bon bons all day it is now! And answering calls from my employed friends on their lunch breaks.

I'm bored to death! Coaches - forward me your emails and I will send you a daily summary!

Example : "16 what time is practices?, 27 why is suzy on youth 2?, one how much is your tuition?, 11 what is the practice wear for tonight?". Then you can just mass reply as necessary!
Example : "16 what time is practices?, 27 why is suzy on youth 2?, one how much is your tuition?, 11 what is the practice wear for tonight?". Then you can just mass reply as necessary!

practice starts when everyone feels like getting there

We put the kids we don't like on youth 2

tuition is however much you feel like paying

mandatory practice wear is optional for you

:rolleyes: lol
haha...just that I think it's the first time I was going to reply in potential disagreement to something you posted. Usually I find myself just shimmying you, and not needing to respond :) All love from me :D

Oh phew! I was actually kind of sad! I don't usually get SAD over something someone on fb posts, but I was like "Waaaah! Why does NJ Coach think I'm not worth replying to usually? I'm not that bad am I?????" You almost ruined my day! :P
practice starts when everyone feels like getting there

We put the kids we don't like on youth 2

tuition is however much you feel like paying

mandatory practice wear is optional for you

:rolleyes: lol

Oh phew! I was actually kind of sad! I don't usually get SAD over something someone on fb posts, but I was like "Waaaah! Why does NJ Coach think I'm not worth replying to usually? I'm not that bad am I?????" You almost ruined my day! :p
Hahaha...never would I thing that. Just because you're Just-a-Mom, doesn't mean you're "just a mom" :D
practice starts when everyone feels like getting there

We put the kids we don't like on youth 2

tuition is however much you feel like paying

mandatory practice wear is optional for you

:rolleyes: lol

BWAAAAAAHAHAHA are you sure you are NJ Coach? That post makes me suspicious you might just be IL Coach. Cuz that's how we do it here - whenever and however we want. Cuz don't forget - we pay YOU!!! O_o But that's perfect. Send me the emails and I'll answer accordingly.

Ugh... It is so hard to defend parents sometimes. The bad apples are such a small group, but my God they are a ridiculous bunch! I swear most of us love our gyms and the coaches - we wouldn't be there if we didn't.
Example : "16 what time is practices?, 27 why is suzy on youth 2?, one how much is your tuition?, 11 what is the practice wear for tonight?". Then you can just mass reply as necessary!

Forgive me for being naive, but for questions like these, doesn't it seem like it would be easier to have these go into a generic email bucket and have front desk people (if available) reply to these? Or a team mom for the practice-type questions....