I do know that the team that deferred their Summit bid (that they received at Sea to Sky on April 7th, 2013) took 2 other Sr teams to the Summit, so why they decided to defer the bid for their 3rd team is a mystery. And I agree with @
GlitterPlz :cookie:that they have tried to use this "summit bid" as a recruiting tool in the area. Their tryout flyer states: Jr Level 2 -Summit bid for 2014:confused:
I don't agree with the concept of deferring a bid since the team that won the bid won't even be close to the team that will end up at the event (Summit, Worlds, etc) and this bid is than used as a "carrot" to get athletes on the team who were not on the bid winning team.
Also, if I'm not mistaken another International team (not going to mention the team name) also received a partial paid IASF Worlds bid at this same competition and deferred it until Worlds 2014.:eek: I've checked the Sea to Sky website and the Worlds and Summit bid winners are no longer listed. And I swear I read (somewhere and can't find it now) that this same competition will be allowing you to defer both Worlds and Summit bids again this coming year. :cow: