All-Star Deferred Summit Bids From 2013

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Hmm.......not fair!!!! I think nothing should be deferred if there are teams that will take it and a prepared to go this season. I think the Paid bid should not be given a deferral option at least.

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I think it shouldn't be an option at all. If this is something the gym wants to do the parents should know ahead and be saving money just in case.
I think it shouldn't be an option at all. If this is something the gym wants to do the parents should know ahead and be saving money just in case.

Yes I just meant if they have to allow it that paid should not be allowed. Shouldn't be allowed at all because if your gym goal is to get one you should have already budgeted for it.

My daughters team got a deferred bid last year as a parent I'm not happy because she earned it and we switched gyms. Now she has to earn it again. I was prepared to pay the money to go but we as parents had no say.

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I figured it was PacWest, but wasn't sure if Ice Queens or their IOC5 team (is it Black Ice?) got a bid their. PacWest and S2S had an agreement with the USASF to allow teams to cross the border and receive bids. That was made prior to ATC having bids and got a lot more publicity this year with a Canadian team getting a paid bid in the US. I don't know if that agreement will continue in the future, be amended to include ATC, or end.

ATC works primarily as ATC Canada in Canada. They also work with another EP, but I can't think of the name right now.

Ok. I think Ice Queens got the paid at PacWest.

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I know they aren't Varsity and they won't sell out its a strong company. I just don't get why Varsity gave bids for Summit for the ATC Sea2Sky comp and not ATC Bellevue. REALLY!!! Wow Ice Queens got the paid last year at ATC Bellevue.

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The reason Sea to Sky got Summit bids is they are part of the Varsity Family Plan. ATC is not part of the Varsity Family Plan this year.
They got the paid bid at PacWest for Worlds 2013. They got a Partial Paid bid at Sea to Sky for Worlds 2014. They are going into the season 2013-2014 only needing a Full Paid bid...

So they were able to get 2 bids last year and use one defer the other?

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ATC has no relationship with Varsity whereas Sea to Sky is a Varsity Family Plan event, uses tge Varsity Scoring System and has 4 Bids to give away for the 2014 or 2015 Summit. Varsity supports Sea to Sky because it's one of the very best competitions out there. ...Come to S2S 2014:cool:

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IASF Bids in Nations offering Bid Events 14 months out from Worlds may offer deferred bids. This is to help deal with the different "seasons of play" around the World. Not every nation uses USA's typical Competition season. Sea to Sky is both 13 months out and an International event and therefore is able to offer deferred Worlds Bids.

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IASF Bids in Nations offering Bid Events 14 months out from Worlds may offer deferred bids. This is to help deal with the different "seasons of play" around the World. Not every nation uses USA's typical Competition season. Sea to Sky is both 13 months out and an International event and therefore is able to offer deferred Worlds Bids.

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@gforcevas. I’ve always enjoyed the Sea To Sky competition. It’s always been a very well-run competition.

I guess what the question is, why would a competition that is run at the same time as the US competition schedule and is advertised to US teams get to defer both Worlds and Summit bids? You reference “seasons of play”, and yes other countries compete at much different times of the year than the US, British Columbia/Canada is not one of these countries. I personally have seen the VAS teams at ATC (Bellevue,WA), Best of the NW (Tacoma, WA), Spirit Sports (Palm Springs, CA), JAMZ (Las Vegas,NV) and if I remember correctly NCA (Dallas, TX). The other question that has been mentioned is why does Sea to Sky get to defer the Worlds bids, when there are two other US competitions on the same weekend that don’t get to defer their bids, and how does a team that already has a paid bid receive a partial paid bid in the same competition year, and then get to defer it? The VAS/Canadian teams really don’t have to travel much farther than a few US teams that go to Worlds. Alaska, Washington and Oregon teams pretty much have the same travel distance and they don’t get to defer their Worlds bids. Another question is since the IASF allows bids to be deferred (for seasons of play) shouldn’t this only be allowed for Canadian teams (international teams) and not US teams? As mentioned there were a few US teams that received summit bids that deferred them and they were the ONLY teams in the US that got to do this (not really fair to the other 99%).

I have no doubt that all bids are awarded using the IASF and Varsity rules, the question still remains… is this fair?
I feel if you plan to go a comp late in the season, you should also PLAN and PREPARE to go to Summit in a few weeks if you do get a bid. We got a bid 2 1/2 weeks before Worlds and knew we would have to buy a plane ticket ASAP.
Melinda, what a bummer that your daughter earned a spot but then her team deferred. Crazy making! Seems like such a long time to wait to perform. Was your CP that unhappy with the team she earned the bid with? I would be like, "uh, no, I'm going to Disney, thanks." Hope she's enjoying the new gym and her team does well!
Melinda, what a bummer that your daughter earned a spot but then her team deferred. Crazy making! Seems like such a long time to wait to perform. Was your CP that unhappy with the team she earned the bid with? I would be like, "uh, no, I'm going to Disney, thanks." Hope she's enjoying the new gym and her team does well!

She did not enjoy her season last year there was too many things we both didn't enjoy and it wasn't the coaches it was the parents and other CP's. She and I love the new gym she is at. The parents are amazing and the other CP are welcoming. It is a very family proud environment. My cp was very upset about the deferal because she knew she wouldn't be going back to that gym.

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This is the kind of or thing that keeps our sport from being respected as a real sport..... Can you imagine qualifying for any other sports big end of the year tournament and saying.... "Wait, We want to go next year instead"???????SMH!!!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

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