All-Star Design Your Own Uniform

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Lines on the guys pants it too much. I'd leave it plain white
I am so jealous of people who know how to use Photoshop...
There are tons of tutorials for it online if you want to learn. Or just try messing around with it, that's how I taught myself lol.
I'd have to get photoshop first :D
I could email it to you! I actually have a zip file of it someone sent me once. Or you could download the free 30 day trial of it from Adobe

Here is my attempt at a CEA uniform! The swirls on the back of the skirt are a little messed up. Oops! Oh well... let me know if you have any suggestions on how to make it better! :)

Sigh, couldn't get the picture to come up on here. At least I got the link....
Maybe take the black lines off the back so it's easier to read the text on the back.. but other then that I really like it! :)