OT Diet Diaries

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Yeah it's seriously so hard :( If i skip even one day of working out then I like never want to go do it again. I'm really gonna try hard to make myself do it tomorrow though bc it's now or never! seriously! i'm sooo lazyyy.

& that quote is awesome! My new mantra while elliptical-ing :)

There's a little button on My Fitness Pal that you press and it says "if everyday were like today, you would weigh XXX pounds in 5 weeks". I press it every night after working out and stuff. That always gets my happy little (...trying to get little) butt back on the elliptical!!

Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses ellipticalling as a verb LOL
perhaps i should clarify. those calorie counts are only for foods that are not fruits and vegetables. so on day 9, i eat all the fruits and vegetables i want. and then i have 300 calories for meats and breads and whatever else i feel like eating. so today, i ate an apple for breakfast and 2 slices of turkey. snack was a banana and berries. lunch was veggie soup and more berries. at my next snack i ate another apple, some nuts and corn. dinner was some more soup and some crackers.

to me, this does not seem like being anorexic. i apologize if it came off as so.

the whole point of this meal plan is to control calories without depriving your body of anything. so if i get hungry, i can eat carrots or some more fruit. i only have to count calories that do not come from fruits and vegetables.
i just had my dad go to the grocery store today. here's my new plan: i am going to eat an apple: when i wake up, before each shift at work, and before i go to sleep. apples are air, water, and fiber so they're extremely filling. and even if i eat them with peanut butter, that's still pretty healthy with the protein.
i just had my dad go to the grocery store today. here's my new plan: i am going to eat an apple: when i wake up, before each shift at work, and before i go to sleep. apples are air, water, and fiber so they're extremely filling. and even if i eat them with peanut butter, that's still pretty healthy with the protein.
apples are one of my favorite foods! they make awesome snacks. so good choice!
if anyone ever needs motivation to hit the gym, eat better, or just feel better..let me know! fitness & nutrition is my minor and i love it! i work out every day of the week and love getting my friends feeling good about themselves :)
if anyone ever needs motivation to hit the gym, eat better, or just feel better..let me know! fitness & nutrition is my minor and i love it! i work out every day of the week and love getting my friends feeling good about themselves :)

Can you text me 24/7 to work out plz thanks.
i just had my dad go to the grocery store today. here's my new plan: i am going to eat an apple: when i wake up, before each shift at work, and before i go to sleep. apples are air, water, and fiber so they're extremely filling. and even if i eat them with peanut butter, that's still pretty healthy with the protein.

I pretty much do this too...I've been sorta slacking lately, but usually it's at least one a day or so. I try all different kinds and everything :) I went apple picking with my family awhile ago..I swear I sound like an apple expert when I tell my Mom what kind to get at the store. haha A few of my favorites are Fuji, Pink Lady, Golden Delicious, Gala & Honey Crips :) Having a variety really helps so you won't get completely sick and stop eating apples altogether.
four to five meals a day is what you should aim for :) divide evenly between protein, carbs, and veggies. you should eat every 3-4 hours to keep up your metabolism and fuel your body. NOT eating is NOT the answer (trust me..i learned the hard way) reward yourself, but don't binge. eat before and after working out. perfect snacks: apples, bananas, grapes, peanut butter, wheat bread, granola bars, a handful of nuts (pistachios are the best for you) stay away from sugary drinks (soda, coffee, alcohol, etc) and drink LOTS OF WATER! drinking more water is the easiest way to slim down your stomach. good sources of protein are lean meat (not fried!) chicken, beef, pork, fish, etc., peanut butter, cheeses (in moderation), and yogurt. track your cals! helps me..lots of apps on iphone/itouch or websites. grab a work out partner! get motivated! love yourself and your body :)
i thought of more things haha! stay away from stress! stress creates hormones that will prevent your body from making changes and slimming down. do not stress over losing weight or you will not lose it. live your life and focus on other things. keep yourself busy, walk everywhere, COOK your own meals, don't make excuses. write down your goals and write down how you feel after working out. if you are working out in hopes to lose weight then you NEED to incorporate weight training. no, you aren't becoming a body builder, but i promise if you start a weight training program (very easy) you will drop weight much faster. pick up some five pounders and get to it. yoga and pilates are really great for the body. yoga is great for destressing, pilates is too, and it lengthens your body for a leaner look. don't buy unhealthy food and let it stare at you (if you're like me, you'll eat the whole thing) hmmmm that's all for now hahaha :)
So I just worked out for the first time in 5 days. I literally almost started crying I was dreading it so much but once I got started I had motivation again and actually went harder and faster than I used to! Plus, like Fierce mentioned up there, I kept repeating "If you didn't puke, faint, or die, keep going" whilst ellipticalling and it helped a lot! Now I'm gonna go eat a post workout apple and call it a day! Hope everyone's doing well!
Oh, and btw I just found out today that I'm going on a beach vacation sometime in mid-June, so this just got more serious! Doesn't help that the 5 girls I'm going with are sticks and I'm in NO shape to be wearing any kind of bathing suit. Anyone have some secrets they wanna spill for slimming down even quicker than before?!
@FINE&FIERCE , since you're a fitness & nutrition minor, tell me...are you supposed to consider "net" calories, or just calories consumed? I've never seen counting net calories anywhere except My Fitness Pal lol.

For those who don't know, counting net calories means if you're aiming for 1200 calories a day, but burn off 500 working out, you should eat 1700. Calories consumed is (obviously) just your calorie count independent of exercise.
@FINE&FIERCE , since you're a fitness & nutrition minor, tell me...are you supposed to consider "net" calories, or just calories consumed? I've never seen counting net calories anywhere except My Fitness Pal lol.

For those who don't know, counting net calories means if you're aiming for 1200 calories a day, but burn off 500 working out, you should eat 1700. Calories consumed is (obviously) just your calorie count independent of exercise.

I know weight watchers does something like net calories (although you dont count calories you count points... same idea) because if you exercise than you get more points (aka more calories). So i think it is done with a lot of diet/lifestyle plans just not with the same terminology
four to five meals a day is what you should aim for :) divide evenly between protein, carbs, and veggies. you should eat every 3-4 hours to keep up your metabolism and fuel your body. NOT eating is NOT the answer (trust me..i learned the hard way) reward yourself, but don't binge. eat before and after working out. perfect snacks: apples, bananas, grapes, peanut butter, wheat bread, granola bars, a handful of nuts (pistachios are the best for you) stay away from sugary drinks (soda, coffee, alcohol, etc) and drink LOTS OF WATER! drinking more water is the easiest way to slim down your stomach. good sources of protein are lean meat (not fried!) chicken, beef, pork, fish, etc., peanut butter, cheeses (in moderation), and yogurt. track your cals! helps me..lots of apps on iphone/itouch or websites. grab a work out partner! get motivated! love yourself and your body :)

this (and your post below it) are AMAZING! thanks:)

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