I haven't slept in 2 days. I cried all day yesterday, for all of them. (The division as a whole). I had myself on a 24 social media ban because I couldn't even discuss it without the strongest curse words I've ever used. (And, I would have been banned). Why? Because they can. Why? Because what's anybody going to do about it? Boycott Worlds? They don't care. They'll just fill the slots with other teams willing to overlook the negligence to be a World Champion, because cheer is big business to gyms whether you're mega, small, medium or large sized and medaling is good for business.
Question is, will USASF be able to even sell out the Milkhouse, much less both level's of the ball field, without the premier teams who drive their fan base to spend obscene amounts of $$$ to see their favorites?