All right... I have purposefully been quiet here for the last few days to get a little perspective, research, information, and celebrate. In that time I have seen and heard some awful comments from gyms, athletes, and parents. I have encouraged my CP to ignore most of them and to believe NONE of them. Here is my .99 cents (more than 2 cents BECAUSE I WAS ACTUALLY THERE)
1) For the last 3 years this part of the competition has gone past 11pm. Two years ago, we referred to a Worlds Day 4. If the lateness of the hour bothered ANYONE, they should have spoken up BEFORE they competed. And food for thought...why is it suddenly bothering
gyms this year vs past years?
2) It was NOT "soaking, slightly, partially" wet on the mat. If it had been, ALL of the athletes would have had wet uniforms WHEN THEY SAT FOR AWARDS. There was some moisture on the red boundary from what I saw. AGAIN...why are you on the boundary??? The shoes might have been "soaking" wet because athletes were running all over the grass after their performance. I was PERSONALLY walking on the mat after awards and IT WAS NOT WET.
3) There were 3 owners/coaches who declined recompeting the next day. I know this for a FACT. One of those owners/coaches actually greeted us upon our arrival at our hotel with HUGE congratulations along with their parents later that night. Love that gym and their classy athletes, parents, and owners.
4) Those same coaches may have posted different feelings on SM later, but that was AFTER THE AWARDS. So perhaps those coaches/owners might have thought things were going to turn out differently.
5) If LAG were going to recompete then it was already being discussed that LCO would have to as well, as they had multiple issues on multiple teams.
I will now end with this...all of those teams were AMAZING! It is a HUGE honor to be in the same realm let alone to win against any of them. At the end of the day F5 had less deductions than the others. As for the comments on their "low raw score" would be the lowest BECAUSE THEY WENT FIRST among the Big 5. This phenomenon happens every year with comparable scoring. It was really sad seeing some coaches/athletes looking for ANY REASON to recompete because it wasn't their day. This division has ALWAYS been one that "whoever hits, wins".