alright im gonna just come out and say it cause it drives me nuts. Do i agree that USASF are idiots for making those teams compete in those conditions, absolutely. But i cant stand poor sportsmanship, it really grinds my gears. CEA as whole needs to learn how to take a loss more graciously, the amount of garbage ive seen on social media is ridiculous, and i aint gonna lie i follow quite a bit of girls from the other large senior teams on twitter, but the majority of it has come out of cea and quite a bit out of stingrays.
ill always love an underdog win, so f5 winning is amazing, along with all the other teams that won worlds this year. The top teams arent always going to win worlds, people just need to start to realize this as worlds progress and more teams become more seasoned and experienced. The days of CEA, CA, TG, Stingrays always walking away with multiple wins in every division every year i think will slowly diminish as time goes on. Im not saying that these programs arent great, cause they are and always will be, but i cant see them dominating the divisions every year like they use to.