@CookieMomster I would actually be surprised to see the media pick up on a story like this without some sort of catastrophic incident occurring because it just doesn't scream 'newsworthy'. Cheerleading, at least from where I've sat (read think), doesn't always have the strongest image or appeal. Kind of like during hair gate when inaccurate information was plenty on the side of the media and it was pretty obvious no one spent more than a minute or two in google before deciding they knew what All-Star Cheerleading really was about...when people think cheerleader they already have assumptions made and for some it's positive, but not all. All-Star Cheerleading, again this is my own opinion, largely operates in the dark of nearly every other sport because there is no end game to it. It's not a professional sport nor is it something people would watch in the Olympics so what reach does it have when a lot of people don't even really understand it to begin with?
Now, had an athlete slide right off the stage or face some sort of long-term catastrophic injury like paralysis, then I think the media would be all over it and still continue to be on it right now.