CTR was at the last comp. we where at, their was no youth silver just their norm. teams. I don't recall them at any of the comps. last year. They were handing out beads and had their mascot their. I don't know if this was the norm. for their gym. My husband saw Ann (she is tall) in the lobby area, she didn't have a fan group around her and I saw Michelle for a tad, we where sitting by the exit area. For the most part they all appeared normal, except that I saw a few girls getting their photos with RD. I will add Alisha was nice enough to-do face time with cp one day. cp is getting frustrated (and doesn't see the point of her doing things if the so and so's can't do their stuff correct) with her team this year and coach thought maybe since cp likes Cheer Perfection face time would help get her sprites up. I mean Alisha could have told coach she was busy and didn't have the time to but nope she didn't, she told cp she had herd great things about her and wanted to see her tuck :/ I didn't see until after the fact CTR had a little met with their TV team and if I had known sooner I may have taken cp to it. All in all it's TV and not real life despite the fact it's a reality show. To be honest their are been some heated moments at our gym and if played and drug out you could make it thrilling for TV. I mean cp not wanting (nor doing) her tucks during comp. and me tearing into her afterwards would have been good drama. Then their would have been all sorts of drama from that, like that mom shouldn't have done that or cp is a brat yadda yadda yadda.